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August 28, 2006 - Monday

Cloudy and hot, lots of rain at night.

After yesterday's complaining you might be tempted to think that I had a terrible day and didn't enjoy myself at all. Not so! Today was great!

We didn't go to bed until really, really late this morning, and I went before hubby! He was on his computer and was getting me an ANA mileage card. Wahoo. Not a credit card, but it's something at least.

I didn't get up until this afternoon, basically. We went out to M's Dining and had a really nice lunch. I had chicken and we shared a tandori caesar salad. It was delicious.

After lunch we went to....karaoke! For 3 hours. It was a lot of fun. I tried to do different songs than usual. Fumihiko did Ken Hirai's Grandfather Clock and I sang along. I have most of the words now, but there's a few phrases that I have trouble reading. It's slower than a lot of songs so singing in Japanese is easier, plus all the kanji has katakana above it. Yay. The cost of our 3 hours of singing? 540 yen. It's almost too cheap!

After karaoke we headed out to the mall. We shopped for stuff for Katie and Zach and for Fumihiko. We got him a couple of pairs of pants and a t-shirt that I may be tempted to "borrow" along the way. We had coffee and picked up our decafe for the week. We drove past the Genghis Khan restaurant, but it's still closed. It may be permanent. We also visited Toda books in the pouring rain. I got the latest Reader's Digest and a book for Katie and a book I've been looking at for myself. It's called,"The Book Nobody Read" and it's non-fiction. It's about Copernicus's book which many libraries have, but no one has read! One man, the author I guess (I haven't read either yet!) tracks down all the known copies of the book to see if anyone has actually read it. It sounds boring in a way, but to a bookie like me, it sounds way cool. I've picked up the book a couple of times in the bookstore, but always put it back.

We came back to Tsuruoka and talked about dinner. We were going to go to an izakaya in the station, but decided to go to Togashi for yakiniku. We had a great meal there. We didn't overeat for a change, which is good. We had yakiniku and I had tamago soup...that's egg soup for anyone who doesn't know. Fumihiko had ramen.

We came home and watched ER. It was the season finale I think. Carter just left and Alex, Sam's little boy ran away. He got in a truck with a strange man. He was hitchhiking to find his father.

And that's about it for my day. It was really good. Tomorrow, our last day off before going back to work. I hope it's all okay. Wish us luck! Night


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