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December 16, 2006 - Saturday

Rainy in the early part of the day, clearing later on.

Today was quite a good day. Yay. I got up and watched the news, then showered, computered (did I just coin a new word?) and then cooked my breakfast. I got underway right on time. It was raining quite hard out so I wore my raincoat and my rain cape, plus my wellies!

My lesson went quite well today, but not as well as it usually goes. Still, it was fine. I hope the student "got" what she was supposed to. After the lesson I hung around for a while, reading my magazine and just relaxing. Bliss. After a while I decided to get on my way. I got all dressed up again in my rain gear, stepped outside my apartment and discovered that the rain had stopped! I took off my rain cape and put it in my backpack. I rode off. Today I stopped at McDonalds for a bit to eat. I tried their grilled chicken salad, with the lemon & herb dressings that one of my readers had suggested. It was good! It is definitely something that I would have again. I went off home.

I vegged a bit bit at home and then when Fumihiko came home we had a nice reunion. It was sort of nice for me to have time by myself today. After I had it, it was much easier for me to be nice to my husband. I think I really should be a hermit in a cave somewhere, albeit a cave with a computer and internet access!

We went out to dinner to Benkei tonight. We were lucky to get a table as they were quite busy. We had a lot of interesting food. I ordered a lot of my regulars plus chawamushi, while Fumihiko ordered a couple of fish dishes. Everything was great. While I was sitting there, I was thinking about my best friend and how she probably wouldn't eat anything that I was enjoying! She doesn't like fish or pork, not too fond of chicken I think, and might not eat some of the veggies. Oh well. Then I started thinking wouldn't it be a cool idea to bring people over from North America to do eating tours of Japan? I guess we'd have to hit Osaka for okonomiyaki and takoyaki, maybe Sado for crab and frozen persimmons, Tsuruoka for....sushi? I know that in Northern Japan Otaru gets the credit for having good sushi, but personally I like Tsuruoka's better. Our rice is tastier. I'd take them to Sapporo for Ghenghis Khan, to the place that Fumihiko took me a couple of years ago. Umm, I don't know where else or what else to put on the tour. Any suggestions??

After dinner we had a couple of cups of cafe-au-lait in Mr. Donuts, then came home. We watched a movie while I worked on nengajo. I suggested Boys Don't Cry as the film de jour so we watched it. It was a good movie, with a lot of good performances in it, but what a downer! It really wasn't the kind of movie to watch on a Saturday night with one's hubby. Still, I am glad that I finally saw it. Hillary Swank was amazing. She really deserved her Oscar. Fumihiko didn't even realize that it was her until he saw a scene where she wraps up her breasts. Then he said, "Is she a woman?" I told him that that was Hillary Swank! He was surprised, but afterwards said that he really thought she was great.

I finished up working on the nengajo just after the movie. I still have a few more to make, but I needed a break. They look really cool. I didn't design the cards this year, I'm using a pattern suggested by the stamp makers, but it is very dramatic.

We watched a bit of TV here and there, and then finally Fumihiko went off to bed. I should go too as I'm quite tired. He's off work tomorrow and I don't know what we'll do. We might go and see Eragon. I'm about halfway through the book now, and I'm really enjoying it. I don't know if the movie will help or hinder my enjoyment.

Anyway, tune in tomorrow night to see the next installment of Living La Vida Loca in Japan. Gotta go! Night night.


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