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January 17, 2006 - Tuesday

A warm day, cold evening.

A much better day. I got up this morning to find a lovely note from my husband. What a nice surprise. I was much much happier after I got up.

In the morning I showered, had a quick breakfast and watched Charmed. Lovely to watch it again. I also got ready to go out and meet my ex-student.

I walked to the bookstore and met her. We had a lovely chat over lunch. Lunch was at the Daiichi hotel. It was very nice. I really enjoyed having lunch out with someone.

After I came home, I watched last night's movie that I taped. It was K-Pax. It was terrible. Jeff Bridges was great, but the movie was kind of stupid.

Fumihiko was very late tonight. When he came home I was watching a Sharon Stone movie. It was actually quite good. I didn't get to finish it yet. I have it on tape though. Tomorrow!

Fumihiko and I went out for dinner, then came home via the grocery store. He made some coffee and I'm watching The West Wing from tonight.

Things are much better now. Hurray.

Night night.


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