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July 13, 2006 - Thursday

Rainy and miserable.

A couple of updates to follow up on things I've talked about recently. Fumihiko told me tonight that he did notice that I got my hair cut, after I asked him if he noticed anything different about me! He said he noticed it yesterday, but didn't tell me. I've put him under strict instructions that he has to say something about it! The other thing is that Fumihiko told me what the doctor told him. Apparently he has a touch of asthma. Oh my goodness. That does explain a lot. Why he still coughs after his cold was over for a week or more, why it gets worse at night, etc.

I had a good day today. I overslept terribly today. I think it's that I wake up so early when hubby gets up and then I go back to sleep, I'm just not getting quality sleep. I suppose I could go to bed earlier, but.....

In the afternoon I showered, cooked and ate my lunch and watched last night's Without a Trace. It was good. I love Anthony LaPaglia.

I toddled off to the school a bit before 5pm. It was poring. I got soaked! When I got to the school I took off all my dripping clothes and hung them in the bathroom and turned on the dryer fan. I should also note that at this point, I put on my "teaching uniform". I wasn't running around au naturel.

I prepped my next class and a couple of the kid's classes for this weekend. When my student came, we had a good lesson.

Fumihiko picked me up tonight and we drove to the bookstore. My books had finally arrived. Yay. I paid for them and then we delivered them to the school. Next, we had dinner at Cocos. It was quite nice. We picked up tomorrow's dinner at the grocery store and then came home.

Later we surfed the web together and actually talked to each other. It's strange, but we really didn't do much of that this week. I've felt really lonely. We even made each other laugh which is a great thing.

When hubby took his bath I did some creatin' in the kitchen. I made tandori chicken salad. Hubby still hadn't eaten his chicken breast from Tuesday so I cut it up, added mayo and voila! He gets to eat it for breakfast. I'm hoping he'll forget though, cause then I'll have it as my lunch. Oh, I'm so mean.

We're now at our respective computers, vegging out and drinking decafe coffee. Life is okay tonight. Hurray for that.

Got to go, night.


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