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July 12, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy, rainy, humid, kind of blah day.

It turned out okay, my day did. I wasn't sure that it would though. Last night Fumihiko went to bed really really early remember? Of course, he also got up really really early. He was up around 6 am. He woke me up--again. I swear, I have no idea how I'm ever going to get a full night's sleep again. I'm so tired all the time. I couldn't even go back to sleep right away as I had terrible cramps. I had to get up and take some tylenol.

I dragged myself out of bed around 10 something to discover two things. Hubby had left his phone behind, and he'd turned off the coffee pot. This last one really irritated me as I was desperate for a cup of java. I ended up making myself a cup of instant decafe, because I wanted hot not lukewarm coffee. After a few minutes of checking email, I went back to bed. I wasn't feeling well, and I was very tired.

I slept on the bed for a while and around 1 started to get up, just as hubby came back for his phone. I told him off for turning off the coffee, but wasn't too angry. I was still in my jammies.

After a while, I cooked lunch and then went out. I wanted to get my hair cut. I was lucky and my hairdresser was free. I have my hair very short now. Perfect for summer. There was silver hair all over the shop after she was done! I noticed when she used a mirror to show me the back that my hair is striped along the back! I have a band of light silver and a dark band going around my head! When my hair gets longer again, I don't think it'll be noticeable. (By the way, hubby hasn't even noticed I got my hair cut. It's much shorter than before!)

I toddled off to the mall after my cut. I wasn't really looking for anything to buy, although I did buy a couple of things at the hundred yen shop. I got rubber bands and a box for my petty cash. I had a glass of iced latte at the coffee shop, then came home.

I putzed around on my computer then went out again for dinner. It was only to Gusto, but I enjoyed it. I took the book I started today, Holes, and had a nice meal. When I came home, Fumihiko was already home. He said that he just arrived too.

Most of the evening has been spent on our respective computers, so it's been very quiet. I did receive one interesting email tonight. Apparently I've won one mllion Euros in a lottery that I didn't enter. All I have to do to claim it is send my name, address, fax number etc to the good people at the bank in the Netherlands. Cool. If only it was true!

And that's me for tonight. I have a class tomorrow night, and I found out that my books have finally arrived...thank I can pick them up after my class. Hurray for that!

So, I'll talk to you tomorrow night? Bye!


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