Cloudy with a bit of rain.
Today was mostly good, ended on a lower note though.
I went to bed early last night (well, for me!) and was able to get up when I wanted to today. That was good. I did all my morning stuff, but skipped the omelette for a change. I had the last of my chicken salad. Ohh. I've told hubby tonight that the next time I do tandori for us, I'm going to make extra to do it again!
I left here around 12 and got to the school fairly soon after that. I got ready, reviewed, you know, dull teacher stuff that's really necessary. My first lesson went quite well, but just at the end, the next students arrived. Oh well. I still took time out for me, and I didn't start until the proper time. That class went very well. We did singing, different singing than last night's class, and it was great. The kids really got today's song as well. They both sang quite well. In fact we almost ran out of time, we were having so much fun. I was a little worried that we would disturb the neighbours, but the children were having fun.
I came home via the grocery store and then spent time on my computer for awhile. Fumihiko came home around 6:30 I think and a bit after that I made dinner. Tonight's dinner was tacos. I couldn't find sour cream so I bought some cottage cheese, the fine type we can get here that is for making cheesecake with. We had a mixture of beef, pork and chicken. I got Fumihiko to grate some cheese for us. I managed to find actual sharp cheese in a grocery store. What a difference in taste. As usual, I used lettuce leaves as shells, but Fumihiko got the real thing. It was good, but there was some leftover.
After dinner and dishes (thanks dear!) we watched this week's ER. It was unusual as it was done from the perspective of a woman who had had a stroke. Very unique, and a bit scary.
After that, Fumihiko announced that he wanted to watch the news. Well, that would have been fine, if there'd been any on. There wasn't so he watched some inane Japanese thing. I stalked off to my computer, put on my headphones and listened to internet radio. That was very cool. I heard a bunch of great songs tonight.
Finally, something else came on and then he helped himself to some food. He's now run off to bed, except he wouldn't let me touch the TV. Now he's back. I think he planned to turn off the TV, I just wanted to check the other channels first. Men! Have to control the remote don't they??
Anyway, I'll be off to bed fairly soon, maybe? Night night.