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June 7, 2006 - Wednesday

Hot, cloudy with thunder.

An okay day. I didn't sleep that well. I was woken up at 5:30 am, possibly by thunder, so when I got up I was still tired. I did some computer work and then started making soup.

I cut up vegetables for a couple of hours. I used some of my frozen spinach ice cubesand put it all in my slow cooker.

I watched a couple of cds of Friends today, that was fun. I'm up to and just past the Ross and Rachel breakup. It helped making the soup go past quickly.

When Fumihiko came home he took a nap. Around 8 I woke him up and we ate dinner. Tonight we had veggie soup, pork chops and salad. It was pretty good.

After dinner we went out and took back the dvds. They were pretty good. Tonight we rented Runaway Jury, Hellboy and 50 First Dates. Hopefully they'll be okay.

We came home via the grocery store, and then drank a bit more coffee. Fumihiko wanted to watch something, but I suggested that we not watch a movie now. It's too late.

That's about it for today. I've had a fairly quiet day. Tomorrow, no plans except for cooking dinner. Wish me luck!

Night night.


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