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June 9, 2006 - Friday

Cloudy and rainy.

I'm going to start with some words of wisdom today...heard in one of the local restaurants on their in-house music system.... Oooo---Eeeeee---Ooo--Ah-Ah Ting-Tang-Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang Oooo---Eeee---Ooo--Ah-Ah Ting-Tang-Walla-Walla-Bang-Bang I haven't heard that song in years, but it was a lot of fun. Fumihiko thought I'd gone crazy when I started to sing along.

I got up early today, did my usual computer stuff and watched another dvd of Friends while I was eating brunch. Both were good. I had a "taco" omelette and it was darn tasty! Just a regular omelette but with some of last night's taco mixture, cheese and a bit of taco sauce. Yum.

In the afternoon I downloaded some information about textbooks from the internet, then printed it out. Don't worry, it's the kind of thing for which they give permission. I had a bit of trouble as some of it was password protected and it didn't like my password much! I also ordered some inspection copies of books for me to check out for my school.

When Fumihiko came home, we changed and went out. I had suggested going to a convenience store for a snack, but we sailed past the one on our way. When Fumihiko was going to turn, it was right outside Sukiya, so we decided to go there instead! It was fine. I had my usual rice-less meal, and Fumihiko had something with rice, fish and okra I think.

We met one of my ex-students tonight and she decided to become my student again. Yay.

When she left the school, Fumihiko and I made an appointment with another ex-student for tomorrow night, and I also did a load of laundry. A small load.

We went to M's Dining where we were regaled by the lovely "Witch Doctor" song (see above) and had some pretty good chicken. I had a couple of bites of steak with mine too. It was nice as well.

We came home via the grocery store (again! That's one difference between life in Japan and Canada, too many darn trips to the grocery store). Then we came home.

At home, I worked on attendance sheets. I got a design that I'm finally happy with. Hopefully it'll work. I think it's got all of the information that I need on it.

And that was my day. I hope to go to bed a bit earlier tonight than yesterday. Fumihiko could use an early night too.

But remember......Oooo---Eeeeee---Ooo--Ah-Ah Ting-Tang-Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang! Night.


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