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June 10, 2006 - Saturday

Cloudy and very muggy all day.

Today was good. I overslept though! I woke up and was a bit shocked at how late it was. Still, it was okay. I did my usual morning stuff and basically had a normal day, except the postman rang with one of my magazines.

For my brunch I had another taco omelette. It was good. I also had salad and some crispbreads. I watched another Friends dvd today too. That was really funny.

When Fumihiko came home, I didn't want to go out to eat, so we had leftovers. That may sound very common in most people's homes, but not in ours. For some reason, we either don't have leftovers, or we don't eat them if we do! I had warmed the soup up, added a bit of milk, and then I made Fumihiko a taco omelette. I had some of the taco meat in lettuces leaves. It was good, and I think hubby was surprised that everything tasted so good.

We went over to the school. My ex-student, her mother and grandmother caame soon after and we talked about future plans for her lessons. Anyway, the good news is that she's going to study with me again. This is good. I'm really happy about it!

When they left, I washed glasses, and then we tidied up at the school. Some bozo had parked in my parking spot today, so I was a little angry. I got Fumihiko to put a note on the car. I'm sure he was much more polite than I would have been.When we left, we checked to see if the car was still there, and it was. Grr.

We talked about what to do, and decided to go to karaoke. But, first we went home to change. We both changed into comfy clothes and decided to have dinner at Moundon first, and then go to karaoke. We were lucky, there was one table left at the restaurant and we got it. We had a great meal, and then left. On the way to karaoke, Fumihiko said he was feeling tired, and didn't want to go anymore. I know how hard he's been working at work and here at home to help me, so I didn't mind. We decided to come home and watch a dvd.

The dvd de jour was Runaway Jury. It was based on a novel by John Grisham, a novel that I thought was exciting and interesting. The movie starred some heavyweight actors too, John Cusack, Rachel Weisz, Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman. The book was about the evils of the tobacco industry, but in the movie they made it about gun control. It worked, but I wish that they'd left it against smoking.

Fumihiko went to bed in the middle of the film. He was just too tired and it wasn't exciting enough to keep him awake. I'm still up, but I love John Cusack!

Anyway, I'm off to bed soon. Tomorrow I have very few plans. I'll talk to you then. Night!


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