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May 1, 2006 - Monday

Cloudy and "pre-rainy" most of the day.

I had a pretty good day today. I got up at a reasonable time, checked email and stuff, then I also got to have a quick messenger chat with my friend back in Canada. That was cool.

My brunch was a bit late today, but not as bad as some days. I had something really yummy. I had a chicken curry omelette. It was great. I took the left over chicken from last week, cut it up, microwaved it so it was warm, and warmed the sauce. Then I made my omelette in the usual way. It was sooooo good. I poured the sauce over it all, and ate it.

After doing the dishes and realizing that the rain still hadn't come but probably would if I didn't go out soon, I went out. I wanted to have some pictures on my digital cameras disk printed before I go on holiday. All the places I'd usually have it done are now closed but I remembered that there is a booth in Pal that does it. I biked over there. It took a while as it's not that close, but it didn't rain. Yay. I took my photos in, got the guy to take my order for size and number and then went shopping.

First I went to the drug store where I bought some travel size mousse for my hair, and some diet sweetener and chocolate. Then I hit the hundred yen shop andgot some plastic see-through bags for putting stuff in for our trip and a plasticky type of bag for Fumihiko for swimming. It'll let him carry his towel or swimsuit around, even if it's wet. I'm so nice. I came back to the store, got my snaps and then had a quick bottle of water before biking home.

When I got home I discovered that Fumihiko had already called me. Tonight he was going to take off the winter tyres and put on the summer ones. He was in the process of doing that when he discovered that they needed air. He had to go to a garage, which is where he called me from.

He got home somewhere after 7, and we got supper together. While I was waiting for him I'd done the prep of the shimeji mushrooms, mizuono and long onion. He made the dashi and then we shabu-shabu'ed. It was really nice. We also had a caesar salad and sodas tonight.

He did the dishes tonight, but I dried most of them. We were both involved in the food prep today so that's what happens here.

Later on we had coffee and watched ER. It was Neela's first day back and she felt a bit rusty. Abby was having a bad day and one of the new doctors was grandstanding and not practicing the healing arts. He was clearing people out, that's it.

Fumihiko went to bed a while ago. He's still in a lot of pain. I think he was starting to feel better but then he overdid things today. Poor thing. I really hope that he's okay in Guam. I don't want to spend our holiday worrying about him.

I have to go. I should be able to update tomorrow night, after that, probably not for a while. Night night!


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