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May 10, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy and hot today, rained at night a little.

An okay day, bit slow. I slept in a bit, but not as badly as yesterday. I checked email, did some laundry and promptly forgot all about it til later!

My brunch was the leftovers of last night's stirfry. I didn't have any meat to serve with it so I used my usual eggs. It was surprisingly good.

I had an "chat" with Susan today. It's a really nice thing to be able to send instant messages. It's fun, and I like it more than calling.

Hubby was late today so I spent a bit of time finding out where some of my recent visitors have come from. Well, I've got more unusual places to add to the list. I have recently had people pop in from Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Cool huh? I think so. Also, there are people from all over Japan that visit, but I don't know who they are. I'm really curious about someone from my own prefecture. There's a frequent visitor from Sagae...hello there! Sign in below and say hi please!

When Fumihiko came home we went out for dinner. Tonight we went to Jiro and it was very good. I had my usual, pork saute with garlic oil. It is just so good. Fumihiko had Oriental Curry. It looked good too.

After dinner we went to S-Mall to buy groceries and look around. I haven't been there in a bit, and there are a lot of new shops now. Wow. We checked out the dvd store and bought Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I almost wrote Harry Potter and the Holy Grail, -- that would be an interesting movie! Would it be a Monty Pythonesque farce, or a DaVinci Code-ish tale? I'll let J.K. Rowling work it out for herself!

We got groceries for the next two days. Tomorrow we're having pseudo tacos and on Friday we'll have tandori chicken. However, after we got home I was informed that my dear hubby might not come home on Friday night. He might have to work overnight. Well, telling me before I bought the chicken would have been a nice thing. Thank heaven for freezers!

When we came home tonight I made low carb/low calorie frappucinos. They weren't bad, but I didn't make the coffee strong enough. I made a huge mess when I tried to pour it into the glasses. The frozen mixture got all over the table and the floor. Husband just sat there. I was a bit ticked, but I guess he was too busy watching something on TV.

I watched my show, Without a Trace. It was good but a little sad tonight. A teenage boy, nice guy, disappeared. They found him but it was too late.

And that was my day. Not too exciting, but I did get out of the house for a bit. Yay. And, I got to relax. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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