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May 11, 2006 - Thursday

Cloudy, but warm day.

I just spent the last 15 minutes or so googling myself and I discovered that there are other women with the same name as me. Interestingly enough, some of them are teachers or in teaching related fields too. There's also a "Bat Lady" in Australia with my name. What should I do? Should I try to contact them? I know there are clubs of people with the same name, but we seem to be a pretty far flung bunch of ladies!

I'm a bit at sixes and sevens today. I said a sleepy goodbye to my husband this morning then a surprised hello when he came back a half hour later. Huh? Part of his work had been cancelled so he took the whole day off. He went to the doctor and then slept for a long time this afternoon.

When he got up we went to the Chido Museum to look at Katanas. Every year, Fumihiko likes to see katanas at the Museum. A katana is a type of Japanese sword, and they are very beautiful. For a killing tool.

After the museum we went for coffee to a new place for us. It's run by an ex-student's parents. I had milk tea and Fumihiko had cafe au lait and it was very nice. After that, we went to check out the new grocery store. It's big. I can't find anything! Can I have my old store back please?

When we came home I made dinner. Tonight we had tacos. I washed the lettuce and made the taco meat mix, Fumihiko grated the cheese and chopped the tomatos. When we ate, it was really nice. We ate a lot, but there was a little left over. Then, Fumihiko decided to have ramen too. HUH? His reason is that he has to get up early tomorrow to have a health check so he couldn't eat after 8pm. I couldn't believe it. I just feel like I waste my time making delicious meals. He always has ramen these days, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. Why???

I did the dishes, except for his ramen bowl, then checked email and stuff. We decided to watch a movie tonight, so I chose Valmont. I love that movie. Basically the same story as Dangerous Liaisons, but different actors and director really changed it. It had my lovely Colin Firth in it, and a glowing Annette Bening. She was wonderful. I don't think Fumihiko liked it, but he didn't hate it as much as Dangerous Liaisons.

While he was doing his getting ready for bath prep he dropped a bombshell on me. For the last two days he's been telling me that he'd have to work overnight on Friday night. I've made a few plans to maybe go out and rent a movie that I'd never watch with him around, get something from the grocery store for dinner, or go out if I wanted to, and just generally enjoy myself. Then tonight he said he might not have to stay overnight. Now I know I seem like a not nice person, but I was REALLY looking forward to having a Me night. I never get them lately. I couldn't muster up the "Oh great!" that I'm sure he was hoping for. It wouldn't be so bad if he'd ever make plans for when he's home, but he never does. And lately, he's been so cranky I don't want to spend much time around him.

Anyway, I'll let you know what happens tomorrow night, shall I? Have a good night.


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