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May 9, 2006 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm.

A good day. I overslept but I was pretty tired to be honest. I didn't go to bed until quite late last night. When I got up I unpacked my suitcase and did a couple of loads of laundry. I'll do the rest tomorrow.

I read and sent email. I didn't really do all that much. I did marinate some pork for tonight's dinner.

When Fumihiko came home tonight I sent him out again to get kerosene and some groceries for us. We needed eggs because someone had eaten one of mine this morning and thrown off my count!

While he was gone, I got busy cutting veggies. Tonight's dinner was a stirfry. Yum. We had eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, and onion plus teriyaki pork stirfried. We also had salad. Fumihiko raved about it, and it was pretty good. He did the dishes, and then we watched a movie on the telly. I think it was "Things You Can Tell By Looking at Her". It was pretty good, with some good actresses in it. I didn't know if Fumihiko liked it or not, but he did. He actually said he'd like to see it again so we could catch it from the very beginning.

I made tea and we watched Monk. It was okay tonight. His dead wife reappeared, but of course it wasn't really her.

And that's about it. Fumihiko is snoozing on the couch and I'll try to wake him up enough to get him off to bed. He's tired. It was his first day at work for a while, but I think he did okay.

And that's my day. No real plans for tomorrow, but I'll try to get out for a bit. I really need to. I feel I'm becoming a bit of a recluse. Poor me!

Later eh!


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