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May 12, 2006 - Friday

Sunny, warm.

A pretty interesting day, for me anyway! I got up fairly early and even took my shower in the AM. I had breakfast, took a nap, surfed the internet and even cleaned a little.

In the evening I decided to go out. A new drugstore opened today, and it wasn't too far away, so I thought I'd check it out. I went by bike. I got a few things, but not a lot.

When I came home I decided to eat last night's leftovers for my dinner. They were yummy. Really.

I was just going to do the dishes when I got a call from my hubby. He was going to stay out tonight. I was a little sad, but a little happy too!

After I did my dishes I did something I've been thinking about doing for a while. I made a list of our dvds. I'm sure we have more at the house, but we have a lot here too. Well over 150.

I'm now sitting on the couch writing this entry and I'm watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Not the TV show, the original movie. I really like it! It's one of my guilty pleasures.

I'll probably go to bed after the movie and posting this entry. Tomorrow I have no plans. Hubby will come home, maybe early, and we'll hopefully do something fun. Wish us luck!

Got to go! Night night!


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