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October 4, 2006 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm.

A pretty good day. I got up this morning with a bit of difficulty! Bed was comfy and I was tired.

Still, I got up and spent a lot of time on my computer. I also cooked my brunch and watched another episode of Friends. It was really cool. I'm at the point in the series where Rachel is dating Bruce Willis...okay, its a character played by Bruce Willis, but still. Chandler is going to ask Monica to marry him. I haven't seen all of these episodes since I was living over here when they came out. It's fun to see "new" stuff again.

My class this afternoon was fine. I went over to the school, taught the class, and then afterwards I went to the drugstore. I didn't buy a lot, but I did get some sugarfree chocolate. Yay me!

I came home, did computer stuff, then finished that and started to watch last night's Doctor Who. It was quite good, in its schlocky British way. Next week looks very interesting. Do the words, "Exterminate! Exterminate!" fill your ears with dread? If so, stay tuned. The Daleks could be returning. Run for your lives!

Fumihiko came home in the midst of my show (of course!) and after it was done we went out for dinner. Tonight we didn't go to far, we went to Bronco. I had steak and he had curry. It wasn't too bad actually. The plate was so hot! The steak was burning my mouth when I tried to eat it. We got a few groceries after dinner. I didn't want to go out to dinner 3 nights in a row. I'll be busy on Friday, so probably won't cook. Tomorrow, not so bad!

When we came home we relaxed for a while and then watched the first episode of Desperate Housewives Season 2. Oh my! It was fun. Sad, and funny and cool too. I'm glad it's back. I've missed it. Shakespeare it isn't, but it is fun. And hey, what's up with Rex? Is he really dead? I was convinced that his friends at the hospital faked his death, but he was in the coffin at the church. Still, he didn't look real! I guess I have two choices, search out the answers on the web, or keep watching. Or, both??

Anyway, that's about it for me for tonight. I'm hoping to get my hair cut tomorrow, but I have a delivery coming for my school. If it comes in time, maybe I can go. I hope! I need a bit of pampering.

Got to go, night!


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