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October 3, 2006 - Tuesday

Warm and sunny. Gorgeous day.

When I got up this morning I got busy! I did three loads of laundry and worked on my soup. I cut up the veggies that I bought last night and then I steamed them for a bit before adding them to the soup. I added the water that I cooked them in too for added nutrition.

I watched a couple of episodes of Friends in the afternoon. I needed that. It was really nice to have a chuckle in the daytime.

I went over to my school in the early evening and prepared my lesson and then taught it. Things were fine.

I came home and started dinner. I'd marinaded some chicken fingers in my low carb teriyaki sauce, so I grilled them. We each had some soup first though. It was really good. With the grilled chicken fingers we had daikon salad. Now, I must confess that I loathe doing anything like washing lettuce or preparing salad, so we use a prepared salad. The one we bought is really nice though. I wouldn't be able to cut up all the daikon that small anyway so it's worth it for me. Fumihiko enjoyed dinner and did the dishes for me. However, he forgot to do the grill so when he was off taking his bath, I washed it! Men.

That's about it for the evening. He sat or lay on the couch for the rest of the evening watching inane Japanese stuff. I was a touch put out. He'd rather watch that garbage than even talk to me. He left to go to bed around midnight and was going to leave the TV on! Huh? Considering I'd even started to wear headphones on my computer so I couldn't hear the TV's noise anymore, I wasn't impressed. I asked him to turn it off and he did. Bloody time too!

I haven't done much of anything since then. A bit of web surfing. That's all. I've been in a strange headspace since coming back from Canada. I enjoyed myself so much, and I got to be the real me while I was there. I didn't have to worry about whether I'm breaking some cultural taboo or will I be able to understand what people say or mean. I just did. I sometimes have to put on this act of being "The Happy Foreigner", but I'm not really. There's a lot of stuff that foreign wives have to deal with, but it's difficult for people who aren't in this situation to understand. And I don't even have kids! I can't imagine what it's like for the ladies who do have children. It's just a strange life here. Not always bad, but not as good as it should be I'd say.

Anyway, I'm off for another evening. I'll likely report in tomorrow night. Hasta la vista baby!


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