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October 9, 2006 - Monday - Happy Thanksgiving!

Rainy during the day.

An okay day. We had the tiniest room possible in Sakata. It was our own fault though, when we noticed that the hotel's double rooms were all booked I suggested their "Petite Double". I think neither of us realized when they said petite, they really meant it! The bed was fine, there just wasn't much room all around it!

The wedding was a lot of fun yesterday. A lot of it was in Japanese, which makes sense of course, but since the groom is Canadian a bit surprising. However, this was probably for the bride and her family as they'd already had a wedding in Canada. Anyway, it was fun. I ate all kinds of bad for me food and really suffered for it today.

We had a late night last night as we went to karaoke with the bride and groom. We had to go by taxi to the karaoke box, as Fumihiko couldn't drive. Oh well.

This morning we got up early (for me anyway) and had breakfast in the hotel. It was quite nice. Then, we checked out and drove home. Fumihiko had some extra time so I made some coffee and we relaxed. Sadly, he had to go off to work.

I did my email and stuff in between trips to the washroom. Sigh. Note to self, do NOT eat cake. It just isn't worth it! Really.

I'm afraid that I slept on the couch for about 4 hours this afternoon. I was really tired. When I got up finally, I felt much better. Hurray for me.

After Fumihiko came home we went out for dinner to Gusto. It was okay. I had a hamburger and spinach egg. It was nice. After dinner we toured the hardware store. They had a sale on used videos, so we got a few. I picked up Snow White, Death Trap and Fumihiko got Heaven Can Wait. What was the other one? Umm, let me see...Boys Don't Cry. I've never seen it. The Videos were cheap and if we really like the movies we can always upgrade. I've seen 2 of mine, and Fumihiko's so I don't really need to upgrade!

We bought groceries at Max Valu tonight. Fumihiko volunteered to make dinner tomorrow night! Ya hoo. He's going to make nabe, but he'll buy stuff tomorrow night.

We watched the re-run of ER and then assorted weird Japanese tv tonight. Finally, just as hubby was off to bed they put on Nurse Betty, a movie I've always wanted to watch. Unfair that! So, I'm taping it so that we can watch it tomorrow night.

And that was my day. Hubby's off to bed, and I'll follow as soon as I can. I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow.

Talk to you later! Night night.


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