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October 15, 2006 - Sunday

Lovely sunny and warm day.

A pretty good day today. This morning I was sleeping. I went to bed very late last night so I couldn't wake up. If there had been any reason to wake up, I probably would have, but we didn't have plans for the day, so I slept in. Late. I did get a bag full of books from a friend but I was still sleeping when they arrived so hubby had to get them in!

We had our brunch de jour in Jiro, and both had the same thing. We had pork saute in garlic oil. That is just so yummy. We had a nice lunch and after, Fumihiko asked if we could go to the Chido Museum. There's an art exhibit there of an artist that he likes. As he has a membership, and I had no plans, I said sure.

We went to the art show, but personally I was disappointed. Fumihiko liked it, but to me they were just "pretty pictures". They didn't have a lot of personality. The majority were floral pieces, and most of the rest had masks in them. Now, I could understand if the masks were supposed to represent something, but I had the feeling they were there because they were pretty. There were really only two of her paintings that I liked, two local landscapes. They weren't so technically perfect, but they showed more imagination.

After we finished at the museum we ran by the school to get a copy of my flyer. We decided to put a flyer up in the International Center. There are a couple of other schools that have flyers up, so why not me? The only thing is that my flyer sounds more like my resume than my advertisement! Oh well. Nothing ventured and all that.

I'd noticed during the day that Fumihiko's casual jacket that he wears everywhere has some holes in it. Probably from when he smoked, or from work if he got too close to a bonfire. Anyway, I suggested getting him a new one. We tried. In the first store there wasn't anything that either of us liked until he hit the bargain rack. He found one for 980yen, which is a great price. It fitted okay, but I hated the colour. It made him look sallow. I found an even cheaper one, but it made him looked like a stuffed sausage. He's probably gone up a size lately, so it's hard to find nice things for him now. He wanted to buy the stuffed sausage jacket, but I said no! We went to other stores, and even drove out to the mall, but we couldn't agree on anything. In one store he tried on a leather jacket, but when he zipped it up, I started singing "YMCA" to him. He looked terrible! Just like the guy in the Village People. He didn't like that! Finally in Jusco I found a really nice jacket, it wasn't too heavy for him, it didn't make him resemble an overstuffed potato, but then he decided not to get it. Why? He wants a jacket he can wear indoors. Huh???? What's the point of that? I told him if he has to wear it in our apartment then we need to turn up the heater! I got a little annoyed with him and told him I wasn't going to help him look anymore.

At this point in the day, he did something right. He took me to Bistrot des Pontes for dinner. YUM. For most of the evening we were the only people there. We had a lovely dinner. They were out of the fish, so we had steak instead. For our appetizer we had flat fish marinee, followed by salad with special mushrooms, then kabocha soup. Our steak was the next course. I had mine with Japanese style sauce, Fumihiko had his with mustard. For dessert Fumihiko had a baked apple with cinnamon ice cream. It looked heavenly. They did offer to give me some apple too, but I said no. After he got dessert I kicked myself a little, but that's okay!

After dinner we came home and watched a dvd. Tonight's film was Tremors 3. It was okay. Not great, but not as bad as it could have been.

Hubby went to bed a while ago. He's tired. He wasn't a slugabed like me today, he got up at a reasonable time! He's off to work tomorrow, me, I'm not sure!

That's it for now. Gotta go! Night.


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