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April 23, 2007 - Monday

Cloudy, cool, a little windy.

Around our apartment building there's a carpet of cherry blossom petals. It looks like someone got married outside. It's rather bittersweet. The fallen petals look lovely now, but in a couple of days the pale pinks will turn to brown and begin decaying.

I managed to drag myself out of bed earlier today than I did yesterday. I showered and then did my email stuff while I watched some of The 4400. It was quite interesting today. I like the fact that it was filmed in Vancouver, although there isn't any place that I can recognize in it.

Fumihiko came back home around 1 and we went out for lunch to the tonkatsu restaurant. We had tonkatsu and it was very nice. The restaurant allows free refills on rice, cabbage and miso soup, so we both had seconds on cabbage and miso soup. Hubby had my rice as his seconds there. We came home for a while afterwards.

Fumihiko had a dentist's appointment this afternoon, so he went off for that. He came back after a bit to find me watching The 4400 again. Can you blame me? Wowow put on 5 hours of it on Friday night, and I have to try to watch it all by tomorrow afternoon. The regular run of the show begins Tuesday night. He went out a bit later to walk his dog, then came home and we went out.

We tried to find a travel agency where we could buy Disneyland tickets for our holiday next month, but they were all closed. We were going to have dinner at the Daiichi Hotel, but it was full! We ended up going for yakiniku to Togashi's. I think it was a good choice as Fumihiko had three 500 yen coupons to use, so our meal cost less than 2000 yen. Hurray for that.

We bought groceries for tomorrow and then tried to find a convenience store that sold the Disneyland passports, but none of the ones close to us have them. Sigh. I hope hubby can go to a travel agency tomorrow after work.

We came home, did more vegging, and then watched ER. There's a couple of new characters, a nursing supervisor and a young nurse that are interesting. Jerry, the desk guy, got hit by lightning (again!) and a woman came out of a coma after 6 years. Poor thing.

And that was my day. Tomorrow I'm back to work. I've got an afternoon class tomorrow so I'll have to head out to the school quite early. A bit sad that. Still, I can always run out for coffee if I want to between classes.

That's it. I'm out of here! Night night.


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