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April 24, 2007 - Tuesday

Nice day, mostly sunny, but a bit cloudy in the afternoon.

I had a surprise this morning when I finally came to consciousness. It was late! It was still before 10 am, but only by a little. I got up, hurriedly made the bed and then showered. I spent the next couple of hours doing computer stuff and watching The 4400. I finished it too. Yeah. In time.

Around 12 I cooked my brunch. I had my usual omelette and also a soy bagel with half of an avocado on it. It was yummy. I finally managed to find a decent avocado in the store.

I went off to the school. I had three classes today and they all went quite well. Yes! In fact, the first one, my new student actually said that she enjoyed my lesson afterwards. Whew! I wasn't sure about it before. I took a break after this class and went to the convenience store and a drug store. I decided that I could always "hurry up" my planning, but it would be harder to convince myself to go out if I only had an hour left before my next class. I was out and back in less than 45 minutes, so not bad at all. And, I managed to have the next class ready too. The later in the day classes went well too. After my last class, the student and I chatted for a while and I showed her my stamp sample book. It's badly in need of updating, but it gave her an idea of how many stamps I have. (A LOT!)

I did up my dishes and texted hubby. He'd had to work late tonight. He got back to me a few minutes later. He came to pick me up and we came home. I was just starting to get dinner on the table when his mother called. Was he going to come over to walk the dog? Well, nothing was actually being cooked yet, so I told hubby to go ahead and visit his mum.

Fumihiko came back about 45 minutes later, and we picked up the dinner cooking. I made instant miso soup, and hubby fried the ginger pork. We had ginger pork, miso soup, salad and hub added on rice. It was quite nice. We also had coffee. Yum. We also did something unusual for us, we ate at the coffee table. I'm a big stickler for eating in the kitchen, but tonight we were watching Medium and The 4400, so I allowed it! (Okay, _I_ wanted to watch them, hubby doesn't really know about them yet!

We had a quiet evening together. Fumihiko did laundry (that man does so much laundry, I can hardly believe it) and then took a bath. I checked my email again, and found out that my best friend has had some bad things happen in her family. It's sad that I can't be there to support her. It's one of the things that I dislike the most about being away from friends and family.

Well, that's pretty much it for my day. I was quite busy....for a Tuesday. Tomorrow I won't be so busy. Hurray. And, we might actually head out to see a movie. I don't have a late class and Fumihiko doesn't work late, so......

Oh, one more good thing...After Fumihiko finished work, he went to a travel agency and got us Disneyland passports for our holiday in Golden Week. As was commented on yesterday's entry, it will be insane there, but hopefully will be a bit fun too!



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