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April 22, 2007 - Sunday

Rainy and miserable.

Today was okay. I didn't go to bed until early this morning, so I didn't get up for good until after 1. Oops. Fumihiko did though. He got up, went to his Mum's, walked the dog and came back and waited for me to wake up. Sweet guy.

We had lunch in Moku-Moku today, then came home and watched TV. I watched Grey's Anatomy from last night, and hubby tried to watch too. He's got this sleeping problem lately! After a while, I watched Elizabethtown on Wowow. I love Orlando Bloom. Yes, he's way too young for me, and much prettier than I am, but he seems like a cool guy. Maybe he's just a good actor.

After the movie we went out for dinner to Gusto. That's the third time I've eaten there in 3 days. It's a bit much. At least this time we went to the branch that's further from our apartment. We had a nice meal, then hit the MaxValu for a few things. I got more sunflower seeds and I found frozen quiche from France in the frozen foods section. I picked one up, but I'm a bit sad to report that they covered the cooking/heating instructions with a Japanese label. Sigh. I might have been able to read the French if they hadn't covered it up.

We came home again and vegged for a while. Fumihiko watched some of his Amazing Stories video. For some reason, I'd already seen it, so he must have fallen asleep on it before! Oh dear.

He's off having a bath now and will probably go to bed soon. I'm planning to go much earlier than I did yesterday! It's just a bit after 2 now, hopefully I can get to bed before 3! I haven't been sleeping that well. I stopped taking cough medicine so now I don't sleep as well because I'm coughing. Sigh.

Anyway, that's it for me. I had a good day, but I'm ready to get some sleep soon. Night night!


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