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May 22, 2007 - Tuesday


I woke up this morning with a strange man in the house. It was my husband. He'd come back from work because he'd lost some important keys somewhere. I was sleepy, but I got out of bed to help him look. I asked if he'd checked his uniform from yesterday...yes. The car? Yes. But he went out to look again. While he did that, I went into his dressing room and found his uniform. I stuck my hand in one of his pockets and pulled out......half a packet of cigarettes, and the missing keys. As I was still in my nightie, I didn't want to go out so I phoned him to come back in. He took the keys and ran. I didn't have an opportunity to ask him about the cigarettes. That he's smoking again really upsets me. I'd bragged either here or on someone else's blog a little while ago about how he'd stopped smoking, but I guess he hasn't. I'm not impressed at all.

I tried to stay up after that, but the apartment was cold and I was really tired. I went back to bed and overslept. Sigh. I finally got up, showered and hit my computer.

I had a good afternoon here at the apartment. I did some printing for my school. I made up a certificate for a student who will finish next week, and some cards for students who are having birthdays.

I made my brunch today, and ate it while I watched a couple of episodes of Friends. I'm down to only having one small box of dvds left. Sigh.

I went off to my school and got quite busy. I had to sweep the floor, fold the towels, set up the hot water for tea and coffee, change my clothes and make sure I had everything that I needed for my first class. Oh, and I also had to turn on the air conditioner! It was 25 degrees in my school when I got there. It gets lots of afternoon sun, and was quite hot when I got there.

Both lessons went quite well. The child lesson that I have goes really well. He's quiet and doesn't like making mistakes, but is a nice child. The adult lesson went quite well too. My student told me about her trip to Tokyo and her attempt to visit Krispy Kreme in Shinjuku. She didn't manage to go as the line up was too long.

After my last class I changed, cleaned up, pulled out all of my stuff for tomorrow and then called Fumihiko. No answer. A bit odd. Still at work? A few minutes later I sent a text message. No answer. It was a little after 9:00 pm and I had about given up on him when there was a knock on the door. My hubby had come to get me. He'd lost his cellphone.

He hadn't prepared dinner (it was his night) so we went for a cheap and cheerful to Gusto. It was fine. I had Japanese style hamburger, and Fumihiko had grilled chicken. That's what I usually order, so it was a tad funny. We had a nice time, and then came home via the grocery store. I'm going to cook tomorrow night. I don't have a late night, nor a busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to do the honors tomorrow night. It's going to be Cook-do again! But, it's easy and quite nice.

We spent a fairly quiet night at home. Fumihiko made coffee and then took his bath. I watched Monk while I surfed the net and read blogs. Hubby's off to bed now, but isn't sleeping as well as I would hope he would.

Me, I'm sitting here in front of the computer with a bar of Roger's No-Sugar Added Chocolate that I bought in Banff last year. I just realized as I saw it in the drawer that summer is coming and if I leave it much longer it will melt from the summer heat. It's almost a necessity that I eat part of it now. Yum. It's very good. Want some??



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