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May 21, 2007 - Monday


A good if quiet day today.

I went to bed late again and got up fairly early this morning. Fairly. Probably not early for anyone else but me. I didn't shower early on, but did a bit of housework, including vacuuming. Yes, I even tackled the avalanche zone near my computer. It looks okay now. I have to send magazines to a friend or I will have another avalanche soon. First I have to get a box that's not too big though.

I spent a lot of time on the net, but also watched this weekend's Rock School with Gene Simmons and the weekend CSI shows. They were okay. I thought about going out, but didn't. I thought about cooking my lunch, but didn't. I finished off the guacamole instead.

When it rolled around to 5 pm, I did take a shower, then came back out. I waited for Fumihiko and he finally came home. We had a nice time together, then we headed out for dinner. I suggested going to Yamaya first to see if they had any more taco shells yet. They didn't. Then, we went to the evil place for dinner.

It was quite late when we got there, so it wasn't as noisy as always. We had quite a lot of food, and it wasn't too bad for a change. Fumihiko usually overeats...and so does his wife...when we go there!

We finished and drove home. We spent a mostly quiet evening at home. We discovered a yucky mess behind the garbage can that Fumihiko cleaned up (bless him), then later he proceeded to break one of my tall glasses in the sink. I'm down to one left now. Luckily he wasn't hurt, which was the most important thing. I explained it to him this way, " I can always buy another glass, I can't buy another husband." Pause. "Well, actually if I had enough money, I could buy another husband, but I kind of like the one I have." He thought that was funny.

We watched ER and it was a good one tonight. Neela was on her paramedic rotation and it was a busy night. Two planes collided in the air and the hospital was on full alert. It was quite an exciting show. At the start of the show, Abby and Luka woke up together. Hmm. Is this going to be a new thing? I know the answer because I read some of the internet sites, but I'm trying not to blow it for my husband. He loves Abby. In a totally non-threatening to me way that is.

Anyway, he went to bed shortly after midnight. He's already sleeping. He didn't sleep well last night, so I'm glad to hear him breathing loudly.

Tomorrow I'm back to work. Wish me luck? Night night.


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