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August 14, 2007 - Tuesday

Hot and ever so sunny!

A good day. I got up this morning, but didn't really stay up. There was nowt but baseball ont telly, so I snoozed on the chesterfield. Around 10 though I did get up and showered and checked email and all that stuff.

Around 11:30 I got a call from my friend asking where we should meet. I was surprised because I thought she was going to pick me up. She couldn't remember where I lived, but then she did, or so I thought! I went out to meet her around 12 and she didn't come. It was so hot that I came back inside again. She called me and she was quite far away, but not in bad way. I asked her to drive in my direction, and I'd walk towards her, so that we'd meet sooner. It worked out and we met up. Yay.

She wanted to take me to a new restaurant on Showadori, but when we got there we found out three things. 1) It was really really expensive! Lunch cost more than dinners at many nice restaurants. 2) The outside was very very cool. It was very old-style Japanese looking. Lots of bamboo and music. 3) They were full today, and we didn't have a reservation. Sigh. So, we had to go somewhere else. I suggested going to a place across from City Hall, so we did. We parked the car, went in to the building, only to find that the restaurant wasn't serving lunch because of O-Bon. Argh! Next, we went to Cafe Frambois. Success! We could get seats at the counter. We had a really nice lunch there, and chatted for a while. After a bit, my friend got a call and had to go. She had to take care of business. So, she dropped me off near my apartment.

I came home and changed out of my nicer clothes and just vegged for a while. I watched a bit of TV, but not much, then I headed out to my school. On the way there, I stopped at a convenience store to get a sandwich and some veggie sticks, then hit my school. Once there, I stashed the food in the fridge, turned on the air-conditioner (It was 37o in the school when I arrived!) and headed out to a drugstore.

When I came back it was a bit cooler, so I ate my food and then got to work. I planned a lesson that probably won't get used until my student gets back from her holiday, but that's okay. When she came today we had a good class. We talked about spam-email and her reservations for her holiday. Then, we got to the text. Things were fine. She said afterwards that she was lucky because she gets to learn English and about computers with me!

I cleaned up the school and asked Fumihiko to come and get me. He did, bless him, and then he drove us home. After a few minutes of using my computer I got dinner underway. Tonight I made my infamous chicken stirfry! Today's veggies were asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini and an onion. It took a while to get the veggies cut up, but eventually I got everything in the pan. I used a bit of red wine vinegar on the veggies in the pan, and put oyster sauce on the chicken. It seemed to work quite well, and hubby raved about it. He asked me what I called the dish, and then I came up with a few names. For example, Chicken stirfry (boring), Chicken a la Stella (sounds a little classier), or how about Wakaba-Chicken(the winner!) Wakaba is the area of Tsuruoka that we live in.

We had a really quiet evening. Fumihiko has a sore throat so he isn't into talking much, and I had my eyes glued to my computer screen anyway! Hubby did the dishes, and has now gone off to bed. I should hie meself hither too.

You know, when I first came to Japan and talked to the teacher that I took over from, she said that in her 5 years in Japan she'd lost the use of her English. She couldn't use idioms anymore, and she wasn't much for unusual word usage. I find that a bit sad now. I may not use every idiom out there, but I still use a lot, and I teach them to my hubby and to other people too! I don't think my English has really "shrunk" in the years that I've been here. I HAVE slowed down though. Every time I go to Canada it takes me a couple of days before I get "up to speed" so to speak. I may not know all of the slang either, but that's not necessarily a bad thing!

Anyway, I'm off. Have a good day/night! TTFN!


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