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August 13, 2007 - Monday

Hot and super sunny!

A very nice day. I got up before 9 am and stayed up! I was really surprised. I had some coffee and watched the news. In English. Yay. Wasn't good news today. There's a hole in the Space Shuttle and Merv Griffin died. My Mum always watched his show, and so did I. And, he also invented my favourite TV game show (with the help of his ex-wife), Jeopardy.

I putzed around the house for most of the morning. I did a load of laundry and watched the taped TV from the weekend. Then, I went out to the bank to get my travellers cheques. I went to the main office of my bank because they have a machine that sells them. It only sells US ones, but as that's where I'm going this time that's okay. I bought my cheques, followed the directions and then went to turn in the slips of paper, thinking foolishly as usual, that that was it. Instead, the bank clerk made me sit down while she inspected my papers. It was a tad annoying, but in a way understandable. I used to be a bank clerk for SEVEN LONG YEARS so I do know how to process traveller's cheques, but not everybody else does. Anyway, she gave me a holder for my cheques, so I guess it was worth it!

I came home, and then put on sunscreen. Yeah, I know, most people do it the other way round. I thought I should test it before I take it to another country. And, I wanted to go out again. I went to McDonalds and tried their brand new McPita sandwich, or whatever it is called. It's supposed to be tandori chicken in a pita. It was okay. It didn't taste very tandori like, but the pita was nice. I miss pita bread. I went over to the grocery store to get a few things, then came home. The sunscreen seemed to work. My face didn't feel tight, sore or itchy. That's an unusual thing for me when I put sunscreen on.

Fumihiko came home at his usual time, and was in a good mood. We had a drink and then went out for dinner to Moku-Moku. We both had the same dish tonight, chicken cutlet. It was quite nice. Oh, we also went to Yamaya for more foreign food before dinner. After dinner we went to MaxValu for a few groceries. I'll be cooking tomorrow night's dinner.

That's about it for our day. We spent a quiet night at home, which was nice.

Tomorrow I have only one lesson in the evening, but I am going to have lunch with a friend at a new place. I'm looking forward to it. I haven't seen her in ages.

Gotta go! Night night.


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