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August 20, 2007 - Monday

Hot and sunny.


Today was okay. I had a quiet day mostly at home. I did a lot of putzy things like sew on buttons, laundry and dishes. No big whoop.

In the afternoon I went out and visited the drugstore. It was nice to get out of the apartment too.

Fumihiko was a bit late tonight, so we didn't go anywhere exciting for dinner, just Gusto. We came straight home afterwards.

We had a really quiet evening evening at home. We both looked up the hotel that we'll stay at in Hawaii to see how it is. It seems pretty run of the mill, which is okay. It's our first trip so we can choose how we do things if we ever go again.

Fumihiko has an early morning tomorrow so he's trying to get himself off to bed soon. I'm sure he'd like me to go soon too, but I'm not sure about that!

Today really was quiet. Tomorrow I'm off work too, as both classes are on a break. I'll have to take my bike in to be repaired again. I was nearly home tonight when I heard a "sproing". At home I discovered that my back tire had yet another spoke broken. It would have to be the back one, wouldn't it? It costs more to get it fixed. Sigh.

Anyway, that's it for me. Have a good night/day. Bye.


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