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August 22, 2007 - Wednesday

Rainy, with a bit of clear skies in the afternoon.


Today was quite a good day. I got up when I wanted to, watched a bit of Alfred Hitchcock Presents and showered. I did watch the shows I taped last night while I did computer stuff. Then I made my brunch and cleaned up.

I went to get my bike before work and it was ready and waiting for me. The bike guy didn't charge me as much as he did last time for the back wheel spoke, so that was a nice thing. On the other hand, he'd left my bike outside in the rain, which didn't impress me overly.

I biked off to my school and got ready slowly for my class. I had left everything ready to go, so I didn't have a lot to do. I did have to cool off though. I was hot and sweaty from riding in the rain with my loverly Tokyo Disneyland Poncho! Still, it kept most of me dry so that was what was important.

My class went well with my student and I think we'll be able to skip most of the chapter. The sad thing is that between her work and my holiday she won't be able to come for another month.

I sorted out her next lesson after class. I find it's much easier to plan for her next lesson just after a lesson as everything is fresh in my memory. If I waited until the next class, I'm afraid I'd forget what I told her we'd do and what I wanted to do. That done, I washed dishes and got out the stuff for tomorrow's lesson. Then I left the school. When I unlocked my bike I noticed that the light on the bike was full of water. I spent a couple of minutes unhooking it and pouring out the water. I just hope that my light will work when I need it.

I came home via the grocery store. Last night when we went to the grocery store, there wasn't any lettuce. Not even the cheap (!) old iceberg lettuce. Today there were a few kinds available, so I got a "sunny lettuce". I'm sure we'd call it a buttercrunch one back home. Oh, and I saw celery. Back home, celery is one of those cheapie veggies. I can buy a bag of celery in Edmonton (or at least I could 10 years ago) for about a dollar. Here in Tsuruoka I can buy two stalks of celery for 150 yen. It's insane. I've even seen them price huge single stalks of celery for 199 yen. Basically two dollars for one huge piece of celery that is likely too woody to eat? Weird. And people say steak is expensive here. Good thing I don't like celery very much!

I digress. Something that I like to do very much. Did you notice?

I came home and had a perfectly lovely time in front of my computer checking email and reading group list info. I also watched another episode of Ugly Betty. It's so much fun.

Fumihiko came home around 8:30 tonight and then I started making dinner. We had tacos, and they were pretty good. I guess they really weren't tacos since we didn't have,...well, tacos, but we did have tortillas so we called'em tacos. I washed the lettuce I bought today, cut up the tomato, made coffee, set the table, cooked the meat. Whew. Busy. What did Fumihiko do? Best not ask. Nothing. Ooops. Did I say that out loud? We ate and both enjoyed the meal. Hubby was a sweetie and did the dishes afterwards. It was really nice of him because I knew he was tired.

When he got ready to take his bath, I prepared the stuff for the tandori tomorrow night. I made up the tandori paste and did the chicken. I took the skin off the chicken breasts and then scored a few slits in the meat. Then, I put the paste on them. I'm letting them sit in the fridge overnight . They should be really flavourful tomorrow night.

And that's about it. Fumihiko had his bath and went off to bed. I should go off to bed soon too. I have a class tomorrow that's a bit earlier than today's one.

Tune in tomorrow and I'll tell you all about my tandori chicken and how it went . Or something like that! Night night.


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