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August 23, 2007 - Thursday

Cooler and not humid. O happy day!


The weather report says it all. I opened my bedroom window at 4:40 am and it was cool and dry air that came in. Lovely! When I got up around 9, it was still cool and dry. Amazing. When I opened the balcony window to get a crosswind, it was cooler and still dry. I couldn't believe it.

I got an email from my student this morning cancelling her lesson. I was a bit miffed as she'd cancelled her other lesson this month. I'll have to chat with her and see what's going on. She had what might be a good reason, but I'm not really sure.

After I got the email I went back to bed. And slept. A lot. It was great!

I got up, drank a lot of coffee and watched Without A Trace from last night. It was interesting. Then, I cooked my late lunch and watched Grey's Anatomy. After that, I headed out to my school. Yes, I know my class today was cancelled, but I accepted another class tomorrow so I wanted to get everything ready. I hit a drug store on the way there, and then the school.

The school was warm, but not as oven-like as it's been lately. I opened the window, but didn't get a through wind as there's only the one window. I put away today's student's books and things, and got out tomorrow's student's things. One of my Saturday student's can't come on Saturday this week, so I offered to teach her on Friday night instead. She's a great kid and has already missed two classes this month, so I didn't want her to miss more than that.

When I was done, I got on my bike and headed for home. It was still twilight, and the sky was gorgeous, all pinks and blues. I made good time, and when I got home I parked my bike, got out my can of WD-40 and squirted it everywhere again. Perhaps because my bike was out in the rain yesterday, it started to creak again. I'm a bit worried about it. I thought I saw the chain track thingy ( I am NOT a bike mechanic, this is as technical as I get) wobble while I was riding. Obviously, I was riding so it wasn't a good idea to keep looking at it while I rode, but it looked wobble-y. Oh dear. I hope it's okay. I need my bike. I tell you, next time I get a bike, I will not let my husband help pick it out. Can you say LEMON? We got a pair of folding bikes and I have had so many problems with mine, it beggers belief.

Anyhoo...I spent a bit of time watching Japanese news in English and then was just settling in with an episode of Ugly Betty when Fumihiko came home. He was really tired today. He'd had another early morning and then had to work late. He put on his jimbei right away. He threw himself onto our bed and a few minutes later invited me in for a cuddle. That was nice. Very re-energizing. We emerged from the bedroom a bit later and I got supper started. I set the table and asked Fumihiko to make the myogi...some Japanese root vegetable. We'd gotten some from a student, but I didn't know what it was. His Mum told him how to prepare it. I grilled the tandori chicken, and then we had that, plus the myogi and a salad. I liked the salad and the tandori, but I'm afraid I gave up on the other stuff. It was a little too bitter and strong for my taste. The tandori did get great reviews though. We have one extra breast left over, and I'm thinking Saturday lunch we'll have bagels and tandori chicken salad. Yum.

Fumihiko did the dishes, the dear. After he finished, we replenished our glasses with oolong tea and sat down to watch Monday's ER. It was quite interesting. Archie, the annoying red haired doctor is getting more interesting and Greg Pratt has just landed in Africa. Also, Carrie Weaver is able to walk without her crutch, and no-one noticed!

Fumihiko took a bath tonight and then threw himself into bed. He's out like a light. I feel for him, but the good thing is that he doesn't have to get up so early tomorrow. He'll be back to more regular hours for a while. At least I hope so.

And that's about it for me. I've got two classes tomorrow evening, and I'd like to get myself to the post office and I have a nightie that I want to sew. I was going to throw it out, but I realized that the repair really wouldn't take much work. However, it's a dark colour, and I think it will be easier to do it in the daylight, when I can see the thread a little more clearly.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night night.


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