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August 31, 2007 - Friday

Rainy and cooler.


I slept quite well last night as it was cooler for a change. I didn't manage to get up very early, oh dear. I did get up finally and showered.

I had a nice relaxing early part of the day at home. I watched a lot of the concert for Diana and it was good. I enjoyed most of the acts. It was nice to see a few Canadians in the line up too.

I left for work quite early and got to the school before 5. I changed, and hung up my damp clothes in the bathroom. I checked that everything was ready, got the stuff that wasn't ready ready, and then read some more of my book. It was good.

Both students came on time to their classes and they went quite well. The child had been away for a bit, but did well.

After classes, I prepared for the first class tomorrow and then called Fumihiko. I was nearly finished my book and I was hoping to finish it before he arrived. I didn't quite make it. He came when I was on the 2nd last page! I shut my book for later.

We had dinner at Bronco and it was nice. Then we went to the grocery store and came home. We spent a quiet evening here. Hubby was watching something on his computer so I put my headphones and listened to Virgin Radio. It's great to hear "new" music. I also finished the novel I was reading, Brother Odd. I liked it. See my bookworm page for more details.

That was my day. Tomorrow I have two classes and a party in the evening. I'm not 100 per cent sure that I'll update tomorrow night, but I probably will. Night night.


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