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September 16, 2007 - Sunday --Happy Anniversary to Me!

Cloudy and rainy.


A pretty good day, despite how tired and blah I felt today.

Fumihiko got up early today to go to his massage therapy place, and then to his wrestling club. I woke up a couple of times, but stayed in bed til around 11. I got up and was working at my computer when he came back.

He felt a bit better. His back and especially his shoulder have been really bothering him since he came back to Japan. I feel for him, but there's not much I can do to help him. We went out for lunch to a little restaurant that serves tonkatsu. Its run entirely by one man, and today he was quite busy. He had quite a few customers when we got there, and then more came later! We had cheese-filled tonkatsu and it was really good.

I didn't feel overly energetic after lunch so I asked to be dropped off at home. Fumihiko went over to his mother's to give her the souvenir that he got her in Waikiki. He got her a really nice little muu-muu. I think she should be able to use it like her yukata for after the bath, but who knows. He said later that she really liked it.

Fumihiko came home after a couple of hours and worked on his computer for a while. I checked my email, and this is what I saw...

You are invitid to....
Anniversary Dinner
Bistoro De Pont
On Septmber 16th 7 or 8pm
Thanks honey!

Love Fumihiko

Isn't that just so sweet? I was surprised because we hadn't talked about what to do for our anniversary. I thought that with the trip being over we would just have a quiet night in. I emailed him back right away and accepted.

He even got dressed up a little, and surprise of surprises, had actually made a reservation for tonight at the restaurant! He never does that. I wore a black satiny shirty and black pants. We drove to the restaurant and had a fabulous meal. It was so good. Our main course was filet beef in a special mushroom sauce, but we also had sashimi, pumpkin soup, and cooked fish. I had dessert tonight which was nice. It was peach on top of some kind of sherbet or sorbet. It was light and was just the right kind of thing to have. Yum.

After dinner we drove to the Mikawa mall (we were in the neighbourhood after all) and looked for decafe coffee, but sadly, it looks like Aeon has stopped carrying it. It was really nice stuff and we loved it. It was Italian and really good. Sigh. We came home again, making a run for the car because it was raining hard.

At home, Fumihiko put himself to bed. He's taken some medicine which I hope is helping his back. The weather right now is not cooperating at all.

I'll likely go to bed fairly soon. I'm still a bit jetlagged. I don't know why, I know that coming back into Japan is supposed to be better than leaving Japan, but I'm still tired.

And, no, I haven't forgotten about a trip update. I'm trying to decide what to write. I may write a letter to my friend and then use that as the update. But, I have to sit down and write it first.

I'll catch you later. Night night!


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