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September 19, 2006 - Tuesday

Rainy when we got home.

What a long day! Apologies for not writing on the actual 19th, but I was very tired and honestly not feeling well.

We left Van's house early on Monday morning, then drove to the airport. We filled up the gas in the van and then took it back to the rental company. We checked in, which didn't take too long, and then had breakfast. When we went through the metal detectors they searched my bag, but it didn't bother me too much. There wasn't anything much in my bag. I think their metal detectors picked up my batteries in my digital camera.

Our flight to Vancouver went well, and in the Vancouver airport we had frappucino's and did a little shopping. I bought some magazines for the flight and then a pin of an inukshuk. I've liked the design for ages and it's something that is typically Canadian, so....

We boarded the plane to Narita and got a bit of a nasty shock. They'd assigned us the bulkhead. Bleck. We were right under the TV screen and I particularily wanted to watch the movies on the flight. We got to see Mission Impossible 3, Strictly Ballroom and some other shows that were okay. They also played the Antonio Banderas movie Take the Lead, but cut off the ending of it. That was annoying.

We landed in Narita, had no trouble going through Immigration or Customs (Yay) and then went out to get our bus tickets for the other airport. Now, we'd been in line for a long time and I was starting to need to use a washroom. So, I told Fumihiko NOT to buy tickets for the 16:10 bus, but to get tickets for the 16:25 bus, so we'd have enough time for washroom breaks and buying a drink for the bus trip. What did he do? You know it. He bought tickets for the 16:10 bus and then had the nerve to tell me that I told him too. Huh??? I don't think so! Since he bought the tickets at 4:00, we didn't have time to use the facilities. I did grab us some drinks on the way.

We used the washrooms at Haneda and then checked in for our flight. After that, we hacked around the airport. We had a late lunch early dinner in West Park Cafe, which has really yummy food. I had a Caesar Salad and Fumihiko had sushi rolls and we split an order of chicken wings. When we got on the plane, I basically fell asleep once we were cruising and didn't wake up until we got to the airport in Shonai.

We came home, checked and read some email and then went to bed. I set up the coffee and stuff for hubby for work the next morning, but was soon off to dreamland.

Over the next few days, I'll try to post pictures to my flickr account of our trip. How was it? Good, although the weather really wasn't! We had rain and snow in Banff, and then lots of rain and cold in Edmonton and area. It was a bit unfair. Overall though, we had a great time. It was lovely to see everyone and to eat Canadian food again.

Bye for now!


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