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October 15, 2007 - Monday

Rainy early this morning, but warm and sunny in the daytime.


Busy day today.

I got up at an almost reasonable time today! Yay me! I showered and did a load of laundry. A bit after one in the afternoon, I went out. I went to the post office first to make a payment, then down to the bank. At the bank I made a couple of payments, then zoomed over to the other bank to update my passbook.

After my banking stuff was done, I went to the mall for lunch. I ate in a cafe upstairs, then visited the 100 yen shop, and then the coffee shop downstairs. Today during my meal and the coffee I drank, I read part of a new book. It's called Born on a Blue Day. It's very interesting. It's written by a man who is autistic. It's like a real life version of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time.

I came home and had just a bit over an hour before Fumihiko came home.

When Fumihiko came home, we went to the hardware store. I needed some supplies for the school. I got some photocopy paper, a big floor cushion for my extra time at the school, and some stuff for the toilet room, a deodorizer. Fumihiko drove me to my school and we unloaded everything, then we went to Mr. Donuts.

I have a point card at Mr. Donuts and the points are due to expire on Saturday. I can't really get anything good with the points unless I get to the 500 point mark, so I'm trying to get there. It's really silly in a lot of ways, but I do like their cafe au lait, so hubby and I have been going for coffee there for the last couple of days.

We had dinner at the tonkatsu restaurant. We were both quite full from the coffee so we only had a normal tonkatsu, and didn't have any refills on anything. I was still stuffed afterwards.

We picked up a few groceries for tomorrow night's dinner. I think Fumihiko is going to make garlic pork tomorrow night.

We drank some decafe coffee and then watched Ugly Betty. It was fun tonight. I think Fumihiko is finally getting it. He's not really into fashion (although the Fashion Police have visited him on many occasions!) but is understanding that the show is fun more than anything else.

And that's about it for tonight. It was a good day. Tomorrow, Fumihiko is off. He's having some tests done. Wish him luck.

Night night.


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