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October 16, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm. Nice day.


This day was okay. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. In the morning Fumihiko got up, but didn't have anywhere to go. I slept in until about 10, then got up. I had a quiet morning, even with hubby around.

In the afternoon he headed off for the hospital, I did a bit of computer stuff. He came back after a couple of hours and then we went out for a late brunch. He dropped me off at my school after that.

My classes tonight went quite well and afterwards I did my dishes and called Fumihiko to come and get me, which he did. We went home via the grocery store where we picked up a bunch of stuff.

We came home and Fumihiko went into high gear. Tonight was his cooking night. He did very well. We had garlic pork, tofu, salad and coffee. I made the coffee. After we finished eating, I did the dishes. As usual, there were many more than when I cook, and they were much dirtier too! I'm not really complaining, this time wasn't the worst that I've seen it.

We just spent a really quiet evening together. Fumihiko watched The Langoliers AGAIN, and then a bunch of not annoying stuff in Japanese. I don't mind the intelligent stuff, I just hate the running around screaming stuff.

So that's it. Tomorrow Fumihiko will hear the results of his tests and then we'll have the day to deal with the news and amuse ourselves. Wish us luck, eh?

Got to go, night.


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