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November 11, 2007 - Sunday - Remembrance Day

Cloudy and rainy.


Today was a very quiet day at the Starstruck household. I didn't go to bed until after 4:30 last night, so I slept in an equally late time today. When Fumihiko came back from his Wrestling Club we both slept longer!

In the evening Hubby suggested going to our favourite restaurant, but I said I was too hungry. It's a great place, but it can be slow when you're hungry. So, we went to the evil place instead. We both ate a lot of food, but considering it was all I ate all day, it wasn't too terrible. About 20 minutes after we arrived at the restaurant, a big group of kids arrived, probably on a school thing. They were noisy and loud.

We did a quick grocery shop at MaxValu since we were in the area, and I got stuff for tomorrow's dinner. I'm going to cook for a change! Yay me.

We came home, had some coffee and watched last night's Grey's Anatomy. It was interesting. I'm still not sure what the attraction is between Meredith and Derek. Sorry, but there it is.

And that was it. I worked on a crossword puzzle that I'm going to give a student for homework next week. It looks cool. Fumihiko said he couldn't do it, but I don't think he tried too hard.

So tomorrow, depending on the weather, I may stay home and do laundry, or go out and clean my school's bathroom. It's not dirty as I don't take baths there, but I do use it as a storage place so it might need a bit of freshening up.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night night!


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