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January 18, 2008 - Friday

Snowy and a bit cold.


Today was a pretty good day actually! I got up, watched the news and then the Sopranos at 10 am. I watched something else a bit later too, then finally took my shower.

I watched a couple of episodes of Cold Case, then had lunch. I was out the door of our apartment at 3:00 pm. It wasn't nice outside. It was snowing and the wind was blowing a bit. I walked to the school. I must have made fairly good time as I was there by 3:30. I dumped my stuff and then grabbed my cell phone and my shovel. I went out to the parking space and it was covered again. It wasn't as much today, about 10 cm I think, but there was almost nowhere to put the snow. I finally cleared the space, then took a picture of it, with my shovel in front of it to give perspective. I tried to make a vertical snow angel (2 different friends today talked about snow angels with me in emails) but I lost my footing and slid down my snow mountain onto my derriere. I took a picture of myself...think it looked fairly good actually. I was laughing at myself all the way and thinking that considering how old I am, I sure don't act it!

I went inside and went through my usual getting ready routine. I had to blow my hair dry as it was in really bad condition. My first student came and he was okay. He wasn't the best he's ever been, but certainly not the worst either. After his class I had a break. I did check my parking space and it had snowed a little bit more, but I decided not to shovel it. I could have, but I would have had to change all my clothes and it really wasn't very much snow anyway.

My last classes of the night went well. Both students drive big vehicles and my parking space is now quite small, but they managed. Whew. Fumihiko and I are discussing what to do about the snow. Of course, what we'd both like is the weather to warm up to 10 or 20 degrees and melt the darn stuff but that isn't likely to happen just yet!

Just after my last student left, I got a call from Fumihiko saying that he was done work. Oh my. He was actually later than me! Can you believe it? He started at 8:30 am and finished after 9:00pm. He said he'd come and get me, so I finished up my stuff. I had a lot to do. Putting out stuff for my first lesson tomorrow, washing dishes, my paperwork...changing. That kind of thing. He arrived finally and we left the school.

We went to Marumatsu for dinner tonight. It's a "Japanese" restaurant. It's usually not that good, but tonight it wasn't bad. I had French fries that were excellent, my shu-mei were nice, and I also had a decent tonkatsu. Fumihiko had tempura and soba. He said the soba wasn't great, but the tempura was okay. It wasn't an expensive meal...but quite decent.

We came home and spent a quiet evening here. I made some instant decafe coffee. It's good, but different from my drip coffee that I usually drink. That's about it really. I had a lot of email to read, and then this to write. That's it. I'm done now!

Night night!


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