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February 5, 2008 - Tuesday--Happy Birthday to me!

Sunny but a little cool.


I had a lovely day today. Really a nice one!

I slept in quite late this morning. I had turned off my phone before bed, so I didn't wake up until 10:30. The maids in the hotel didn't make so much noise this morning. I got dressed and then ate a couple of pancakes. It is Shrove Tuesday after all! I headed out. I went to the mall today.

I wasn't really hungry when I got there, so I decided to check the movie listings first. American Gangster was on immediately, or in a couple of hours. I decided to wait. The restaurants looked really busy so I decided to go to Starbucks for a light lunch. It wasn't too busy. I had a sandwich and cup of coffee.

After a wander around the store, I went back to the theater and saw American Gangster. It was a re-teaming of Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington. They didn't get to meet each other on screen until the end of the movie. Sadly, there was no seeing Russell's buff behind in this film, like the last one they did (Virtuosity). It was a really good movie. Knowing that a lot of this really happened was interesting. The acting was all very good. It's a bit violent, but not in the same way as some gang films are.

When the movie finished I wandered around the shops a bit more. I didn't really buy anything today. I'm a bit shopped out. I didn't really get to look for clothes for myself though, but as far as everything else goes, I'm done. I had planned to go and see another movie, but I got a bit of a headache, I think it's a sinus one, so I decided to have a nice dinner and then go back to the hotel.

For supper I went to Caprichossa. I had a very nice dinner of carbonara and caesar salad. I did very well for myself, I asked if I could have a smaller salad than was on the menu. What do you know, they do have half salads. Yay me. I was even given a free coffee at the end of the meal, which was a perfect way to end dinner. The service was really nice there and I actually wished that there was tipping so that I could show my appreciation! The only downside? Two ladies sat next to me and one of them decided to use me to practice her English. Argh. She asked me where I was from, and when I said "Tsuruoka" she thought I said "Slovakia!" It was a little funny. I think she got the feeling after a couple of minutes that I really wasn't up for a chat. Just because I was alone didn't mean I was lonely.

I went back to the station after dinner and caught the subway back to the center of Sendai. I went into S-Pal and did a couple of things. I found a wall calendar for my school in the Muji store. It's not decorative, which is the only downer, but it was only 300 yen, so not too bad at all. I also went into a restaurant that has fabulous looking desserts and got myself a piece of cake to have for my birthday. Now, usually, I go for ooey gooey chocolate things, but I wanted something a little lighter, so I chose a cake with a lot of fruit on top. It had strawberries, blueberries and I think even blackberries and raspberries, plus a sort of creamy center. It was expensive, but I thought it was my birthday after all! I got them to box it up for me, and I took it away. My last stop was to a 100 yen shop to buy an envelope. I want to mail a couple of Valentine's Day cards and thought I'd put both cards in one envelope.

I came back to the hotel and had my cake. It was amazing. It was worth every penny. I thought it was a very fortunate choice on my part. After the cake and a bit of oolong tea, I realized that I was very sleepy. I took a nap, and that's what I was doing at 8:30 when Fumihiko called me. We had a nice long talk and we're both looking forward to me coming home. The only problem is that Tsuruoka has had even more snow today. Oh no!

I was up, so I decided to do most of my packing after my call. I packed my suitcase. It's full and heavy, but I think it'll be okay. Tomorrow I'll check out and then put my case in a locker near the bus station so I don't have to carry it too far. I won't put my computer in my suitcase tomorrow, I'll put it in my backpack and take it onto the bus with me. The last time I took a bus my suitcase ended up at the other side of the bus, and the driver almost gave me someone else's suitcase!

I spent the rest of the evening watching The Sting and then an episode of Dexter on my computer. It was a relaxing way to spend the night. I'll be sorry to go back to the cold snowy weather, but I'm looking forward to seeing my husband again.

And that's it for me. Night night!


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