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February 4, 2008 - Monday

Sunny but cool.


My feet hurt, my wallet is close to empty, but I had a good day! I slept in later than I do at home. I had planned to wake up without alarms but the maids in the hotel had other ideas! They made a lot of noise going up and down the halls. Of course I had put out the Do Not Disturb sign, so they didn't bang on my door, but between all the chit-chat and the vacuums, I woke up.

I ate breakfast in my room. I'd bought a few different bread things for that purpose and it was nice. I finally left the hotel around 12 and went shopping. I hit a bookstore first, but didn't buy anything, then I went over to S-Pal. I did a bit of shopping there..but it was mostly looking rather than shopping. I eventually ended up at Maruzen books. I bought quite a few books and magazines. I've already started one of the books and one of the magazines! I had a coffee at Starbucks and then headed back to the hotel via The Loft.

I rested in the hotel for a while, drank a lot of water, and then headed out again. I was a woman with a mission. I really wanted to get that Anne Murray cd, so I headed back to the Tower Records. I got it, and then I took myself into the Apple Store and got that cute little iPod Nano I've been thinking about. I already have an iPod Classic, but this is really small and convenient for popping into my bag. The only thing I worry about is that it might be too easy to lose it!

I had a decent dinner at Royal Host tonight. I had chicken, pasta and drink bar. It was rather nice. After dinner, I came back to the hotel, called my husband and talked for a while, then set up my iPod a little. I've put all the songs in my computer into it...but I'll have to put more in. I won't be able to put as much in this as was in my other iPod, but that could be a good thing.

I watched Ugly Betty in Japanese tonight, and didn't really understand it. It looked funny. I just spent a quiet evening in the hotel room. I read a bit of my book and I think I'll go to bed soon as I'm really tired and my feet hurt soooo much! I really walked a lot over the last couple of days!

So that's it for me. I had a good day. Night night!


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