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April 4, 2008 - Friday

Sunny and warm.


A nice, good day. I got up late this morning because there wasn't any news on and I was trying to stay out of Fumihiko's way. He left for the hospital and I got up, had a cup of coffee and then showered. When hubby came back I was all done, sitting at my computer drinking more coffee.

We had a very quiet afternoon at home. We actually ate lunch in today. We had pork roast on bagels, plus a fried potato mixture that I concocted. It was really nice.

Fumihiko drove me to work today which was nice. We stopped at the grocery store so that I could get a sandwich for later and a bottle of oolong tea. Then, he dropped me off. I changed and got to work almost immediately. Oh, no, I didn't. I finished reading Motor Mouth first. I only had a few pages left and I was dying to know how it ended. Lots of fun. THEN I got to work. I planned another lesson for my Saturday student (who ended up cancelling for this week) and looked over the stuff for one student for today. At 7 I was ready for my student, but instead I got a call. She would be late. Okay. I waited and then at 7:30 I got another call that she wouldn't be able to come. I rescheduled her for tomorrow.

The one class that I had went quite well, and we did a lot of work I think. We enjoyed ourselves.

Fumihiko picked me up after work and we went to M's Dining. We both had steak tonight. They had a special, and I have to say they were pretty good. Not overcooked, and very tender.

We came home and spent a quiet evening together. Fumihiko is deep in thought about buying a new car. Will it be this one or that one? The blue one (I hope) or the burgundy one. Anything is okay as long as it isn't white!

So that's it for me. Today was fine, but tomorrow I'll be a little bit busy. I hope everything goes well. Oh, and it's Project Runway day. That's something to look forward to as well. Hurray.

Gotta go! Night night.


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