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May 23, 2008 - Friday

Sunny and warm.


I had a good day, happily. I got up this morning at an okay time, but then napped on the couch for a bit too long. Sigh. Still, it was really late last night when I went to bed.

When I got myself up, I showered, then did another load of laundry. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV (Re:Genesis, Cold Case) then had my brunch and left for work.

I had two classes tonight and they went well. My second student of the night was a bit late, but we had a good class anyway.

I cleared up and then phoned my husband to come and get me. He did. We tried to go to one restaurant, but they had closed early tonight, so went across the street to a yakiniku place. It was quite good. We had an assortment of things. Fumihiko had his weird "innards" that he likes, and I had stuff like tamago soup and chijime, a sort of Korean pancake. It was all nice.

We came home and spent a quiet evening together. Now, Fumihiko is sleeping on the couch and I think he's waiting for me before he goes to bed. Poor thing!

I'm still having the itchy scalp thing. Today when I washed my hair I didn't use any styling mousse afterwards, to see if it would help. It didn't. Fumihiko offered to take me to the doctor, but it seems a little silly doesn't it?

Tomorrow I have an early afternoon class, so I need to be awake for that. After my student's class, we get to go and pick up our new car.

Fumihiko is both looking forward to getting his new car, and waxing poetic about his old one. He's had his old car, a Toyota Vista, for longer than he's had me around, so I'll let him be a little nostalgic about the whole thing. I really like his present car, so I'll be a little sad too. However, I won't be sad about getting a BLUE car. I'm tired of ugly, boring white cars.

I'll try and post a pic or two tomorrow if I can. Talk to you all tomorrow night. Bye!


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