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May 22, 2008 - Thursday

Warm but a bit muggy.


Generally a good day today. I got up very late today. Sigh. I showered and then I did some laundry. I'm going to do some more tomorrow too. I don't like doing laundry!

During the afternoon I prepared a lesson for one of my students for today and did a lot of this and that around my computer. It was relaxing. I even stayed here a bit later than usual as I only had one class today, and I'd prepared it on my computer.

I rode off to work, stopping at a drugstore on the way. I needed more oolong tea. I love that stuff! At work I did a few things, and even opened the window rather than using the air conditioner.

My student and I had a good lesson. I asked her all about the movie she went to last night and we talked about Prince Caspian and the other Narnia books and films. She seemed surprised that I remembered so much about the Narnia series, but I used to read them all the time when I was younger.

When her lesson finished, I did some paperwork and then prepped for the children's lessons I have tomorrow and on Saturday. Then, I started to do the dishes and called Fumihiko. When he answered he told me that one of my Saturday classes had cancelled. Sigh. I could have saved myself some time!

We tried to do to the new Benkei tonight, but it isn't really open yet. So, I suggested Grado. We had a really nice meal, but I don't think the waiter was on the ball! We both had soup with our meals, but there was only one soup spoon in the cutlery basket, Fumihiko wanted to have some soy sauce with his meal, but there wasn't any, and then at the end, it looked like the waiter forgot to bring my dessert! Still, the actual meal was lovely. I had gorgonzola penne pasta. It was yummy. I would definitely have that again. Fumihiko had a fishy-donburi thing. Lots of fish on rice. He said it was good.

We came home and had a quiet evening in. Fumihiko is getting all excited about Saturday. He gets to bring his new "baby" home then. His new car! He wants me to go to the dealership with him. I really don't see the point, and honestly I was a bit anxious about the whole thing. He wanted to go before I go to work on Saturday. Not only before I go to work, but before I eat on Saturday. That meant if anything went wrong, I'd have to teach without eating and that is not good! I asked him tonight if we could go AFTER my lesson on Saturday. To me, it makes much more sense. He can take as long as he likes and I won't be panicking about getting to my school on time. So, tonight he must have asked me about 3 times when I could go on Saturday. The answer didn't change. Poor guy.

Oh, one more thing. My scalp is itchy. I'm not sure if it's from my hairdresser putting some "treatment" on my head last week, or just from my general dry skin, but my head is driving me crazy. I got Fumihiko to look at it tonight and he thinks it's a bit red, but I don't know what's going on. My stylist has used the same stuff for ages, but I think she also used something that I haven't had before. Unfortunately, I sometimes have a problem with hair chemicals. Sigh.

And that's about it for my night. I will be a little busier at the school tomorrow, which will be nice for a change.

I'll catch you tomorrow. Night night!


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