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May 24, 2008 - Saturday

Cloudy, muggy, then finally rain at night.


Today was a great day! We got our new car today, saw Prince Caspian and bought some new electronic things, so not bad.

After I got up and showered this morning I watched Criminal Minds, then we headed off to Gusto for breakfast. At Gusto, I saw one of my students from yesterday. That was kind of fun.

At the school I quickly set things up, and got ready myself. When my student came, she brought me a huge takenoko or a bamboo root. She'd dug it up herself and was quite proud of it! I didn't have the heart to tell her or her mother that I have no idea what to do with it! (Hubs and I decided to share it with his mother....she'll hopefully cook it and give some of it back to us!) Our class went well. It was a useful one for children I think, being able to give an address and a phone number in English.

After class, I cleaned up and got Fumihiko to pick me up. We went to the car dealership and him and the car guy spent the next hour talking about the car. I am so very glad that I talked Fumihiko out of going before my class. I wouldn't have been a happy camper if I hadn't. We took a couple of pictures of the old car, and when we came home a couple of the new one. I planned to post them, but even though I smudged out the license plate number, I could still see it when I uploaded them. Sorry.

We drove home, where I stayed for a while. Fumihiko had to go back to the car dealership to do something and then he came back. We decided to go out for dinner. We went to M's Dining where I had the Mega Big Burger. It was darn good today. Then, we went to the electronic shop to get new surge protectors, a cord so we can run my iPod in the car, and some ink for my school's photocopier. Then, the mall!

We drove out to Mikawa Mall. I made Fumihiko come with me to the drugstore department and I got some shampoos that may or may not help. I got two different kinds. Wish me luck. After we put them in the car, we went to have a drink. While we were drinking I leaned on the table a bit and it gave more than it should! 3 screws went flying. I must be stronger than I thought. Fumihiko reported it to one of the restaurant staff and then we went to see Prince Caspian.

I wasn't sure if I'd like Prince Caspian. Of all the Narnia stories, it's the one I know the least as I didn't have a copy of the book as a child. I know there were things in the movie that weren't really in the book, but darned if I can remember them right now! They did have Reepicheep, and he was cute, but somehow I was expecting just a little more from him.

We came back to Tsuruoka and had a late night snack, then came home. I took a shower and washed my hair with one of the new shampoos. So far there isn't much improvement. I have to try to stop scratching unconsciously. Darn that's going to be difficult.

So that's it. My day. It was quite nice honestly. Tomorrow, I'm not sure what we'll get ourselves up to. Tune in tomorrow and find out. Night.


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