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September 12, 2008 - Friday

Cloudy, but humid and too warm.


Can't say that today was a good day at all. Can I have a do-over? Last night I went to bed, but couldn't sleep. I was in bed for about an hour. I got up, tried going back to bed, but nothing worked. At some point Fumihiko and I started to have a discussion (which he doesn't remember now) and then I managed to drop off for a bit.

Had a quiet day in the apartment. Nothing much happened all day. I did have to leave early today though because I had an earlier class today.

When I got to the school I was happy to note that it was the coolest it's been in there all week. Hurray for that. It was the first time it was under 30 degrees Celsius.

My first class was okay. The student was in an odd mood as he often is. The second student was late, but she did make it to class. We had a nice chat and then she left.

After my classes I finished up quickly. I didn't even wash the cup my student used...I rinsed it though, and will wash it properly tomorrow. I wanted to get home early today.

Fumihiko picked me up and we had dinner at the soba restaurant. It was good, except the waiter that served us was more interested in chatting with his friends in the corner and then we had to ask to get our drinks at the end of the meal. Sigh.

We came home and then that's when it all went wrong. It became one of those things where we both got royally annoyed with each other and ruined what should have been a nice evening. Instead, it turned into one of our usual half fights.

Anyway. Tomorrow I have one class and then I'm finished until October. I've got most of my packing done. Hopefully I'll get the rest done tomorrow. That's it from me for this evening. Night.


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