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September 11, 2008 - Thursday

Warm and sunny. Nice weather.


Today was an okay day. I really overslept this morning. I slept through all of my alarms. I was quite shocked.

I did some laundry today. It was a good feeling to get it all out of the way. Hurray.

I went over to my school on time. It was hot inside, but it cooled down fairly quickly. I did some prep work for today's classes. I needed to check some of my games. When my students came they stood outside for ages with the door open. I wasn't pleased. I tried to explain to them that I didn't want the bugs to get in, but they did anyway. Sigh. The class went quite well. I tried the trick of giving them 10 1 yen coins and taking them back if and when they spoke Japanese in class. They caught on fast and really did much better than usual. It's amazing how possessive students are of a measly 10 yen!

When those students and their mother left my school, they let in at least 2 huge bugs. I spent 10 minutes chasing them and dispatching them. When my next student came I think she let in a couple more. Sigh.

My student and I had a good class. We did some reading practice and then continued talking about being billionaires. At one point we discussed what we'd do if we were billionaires and she said that she'd have some facial treatments done. I mentioned botox and we had a new topic to discuss. She'd never heard of it, and definitely doesn't need it!

After she left, I spent some time chasing bugs, then did my paperwork and set up for tomorrow's class. Most of it was already done, I'm happy to say.

Fumihiko picked me up after a while and we went to Cocos for dinner. We both had pasta tonight. I had their special in September pasta, mushrooms and shrimp with a Japanese flavour. It was really nice. Fumihiko had carbonara.

We came home and had a really quiet evening together. Fumihiko went to bed, but got up again fairly soon. I'm going to try to go to bed earlier tonight. I need lots of sleep!

That's it for me. Today is a sad day for me. It was my mother's birthday and I always miss her more on this day.

Tomorrow, I'm not sure what it will be like. I have lots of things that I need to do, but will I really do them all? I hope so. Catch me tomorrow. Night.


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