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Well, this thing will probably never be done, but it will eventually, maybe, hopefully. In fact, I really shouldn't even be working on this cause I have a ton of other things to do that are way more important...but I am a procrastinator. You'll learn that in my bio. What I really need for this project to be complete is a scanner, so if any of you have one....

I really don't know what to put on this thing. I thought about devoting it to a couple musical artists I am interested in, but that requires updating it often, and I REALLY don't have the time to do that. So I guess it will basically be about random things...whatever interests me at the moment. Feel free to email me with suggestions, comments, or complaints, but don't be too harsh. Remember I am new at this!
Oh yeah...don't forget to sign my guestbook!!! Thanks!!!

What's new??!!

Last updated: December 12, 2001

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email me at: bri_breezy(at)yahoo(dot)com