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R O A D . T O

"Road To No Where" was Kaylub's second album after his "Mother Knows Best" sessions. The songs strongly deal with the confusion of growing up in the nineties with the hope of discovering what love is. It

View album lyrics below

constantly speaks of the mechanics of relationships whether they be plutonic, sexual, emotional or hateful. Many of the songs were done alone by Kaylub but a few were recorded with additional help. Rough and Wicketts & Lampshades were written & recorded with Haplo. These songs were later redone and recorded with more intensity upon the creation of Cafe Insomnia. Sugar also had a monologue read in the background by Haplo. Kaylub got one last chance to play with "Fried At The Wheel" when he was travelling before finishing the CD, he took it as a sign and recorded their session. The result was a cover of the Alice In Chains song "Nutshell" (Ya! Finally on CD, eh Rob, our big dream!). All the songs on the album are available in real audio demo clips along with their lyrics on the webpage, see the image below to access them. Kaylub is still rather positive that his spirit knew something his mind didn't when writing this album. He feels as if his spirit sent his older self's mind a message that he might understand later. It's quite evident that Kaylub got the message and learned his valuable lesson. Think with your heart, let your spirit guide you and don't let your mind confuse you.

To hear audio samples of the album
please go to the Media section

S O N G - L I S T

1. Mirrors
2. No Goals
3. Our Stars
4. In My Arms
5. Nutshell
6. No Place Left To Go
7. Rough
8. Sugar
9. Sunshine Sometimes
10. Wicketts & Lampshades
11. Shadows In The Parking Lot
12. The Cut That Never Heals
13. The Journey Back

