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Chapter 14

Text Box: On the bus ride, Cyin lean against the window. Memories of the scary rides flashed in her mind. Words said by Mij repeating appearing in her brain "is the only place where there’re no memories of Dawn and you, so tonight’s memories are all mine… so tonight’s memories are all mine… so tonight’s memories are all mine…" 
Why does it keep resound in my mind? Why does it bother me so much? Cyin closed her eyes and reminiscing about her 16th birthday. Dawn gave her a cake surprise too and that was when he gave her the bracelet. Memories of Dawn flooded Cyin’s head, all over from how they get know each other to the last moment she held him. She cried and cried. Suddenly Mij pressed for the bell and took Cyin’s hand, "Follow me…"
"Hey! Where are you bringing me to?" Cyin asked as Mij was leading her. "To the place where we threw stones. Remember? I heard there’s shooting star tonight and you can make wishes which can come true! "Oh… That Pebbly place… Remember." "Pebbly place… hmm… not a bad name! Let’s called that place Pebbly then!" Mij turned back and smiled at Cyin with those idiot faces (if you know wad I mean, wide mouth showing all his teeth). Cyin laughed, for a second free of Dawn. 
They reached and waited for about 15 minutes before Cyin complains to Mij "Hey! Where got? I think you’d been cheated! Haha!" Suddenly a shooting star flashed by. Mij hurried made a wish. Cyin turned and looked at the sky, the star flashed too fast for her to make a wish. She sighed, "Haix… I’m too slow for that… So what had you wished for Mij?" "Me? Haha I wished that my poor heartbreaking friend here can find her happiness back" "Thanks Mij… I had really enjoyed my birthday today. Thanks…" and she gave him a hug showing her gratitude. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20