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« The Accusation »

*** Finished ***


Josh is being accused of rape, see what he deals with when the accusation pops up and in a small town where news travels fast. But the big question is, is the accusation true or not? ;)

Rating: PG-13

Background Information:

Another story, a quick one. Wrote this in a little over a month since I discovered that not every story has to be over a hundred page long ;) Anyway I got this idea when I was watching ‘Strong Medicine’ and someone was being accused of rape. He said he didn’t do it but no one believed him; people walked away when he would sit at their table etc. That’s when I started thinking about a story about that. How would that person feel and stuff like that. I used Josh as the victim again, can’t help it ;) It didn’t exactly turn out the way I had the story in my mind. It changed when I threw in the economy assignment and Robin but I still like the way it turned out although it didn’t go as planned. Doesn’t always have to go according to plan right? ;)

Started: May 25th 2003

Finished: June 26th 2003

© June 2003

Chapter 1

Chapter 5

Chapter 8

Chapter 2

Chapter 6

Chapter 9

Chapter 3

Chapter 7

Chapter 10

Chapter 4

Chapter 11