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the fire that burns brightest...

the story so far...

background info

PC creation


new rules

contact us

...the fire that burns brightest...

an experiment with the Planescape Campaign Setting and the 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Ruleset.

This is an on-line resource for the players and Dungeon Master of a 3rd edition Planescape Campaign. It is a limited campaign, or rather, one long adventure with a definite end.

Hopefully, the themes of this campaign will become apparent over time, and the players will be able to solve the "mystery" of the "fire that burns brightest..."

Current Updates


January 4, 2002:
I haven't been updating the Updates, but I have been adding to the Episode list, as well as inserting some notable quotes in the Episode descriptions.

I've been thinking of adding a DM's Notes section. It would be just ramblings about this experience running a Planescape game. Of course, since there are only four or five people reading this thing...

November 14, 2001:
Updated the Episodes, the NPC list, and the PC roster.

November 2, 2001:
Updated the Episodes and added an NPC list.

October 19, 2001:
Updated the Episodes and the Background Setting pages.

October 12, 2001:
Rearranged the site a little, and updated the Sensate Prestige Class.

October 11, 2001:
Updated the Godsman Pretige Class.

October 9, 2001:
Added to the hero roster, added Episode 9. Updated Background information.

October 2, 2001:
Added the character description for the new character Aus. Updated the Episodes.

September 25, 2001:
Pictures! Drawn by JPS, who is also the player for Terrick the Black. Also added the next Episode and updated the Objects section.

September 19, 2001:
Added the next "Episode" and updated the Background setting.

September 11, 2001:
Updated the Story So Far. Added the next "Episode" and updated Episode 1.

September 7, 2001:
Updated the Story So Far, the Objects page, and the New Rules page, and added Versa's Background Description.

September 4, 2001:
Updated Marissa's background info.

August 29, 2001:
Updated the Story So Far, as well as New Rules,
and an Objects page.

August 28, 2001:
Added a tentative Dustman Faction Prestige class.

August 25, 2001:
Added player character descriptions for Marissa and Derk.

A character point-of-view for the past three sessions/episodes is forthcoming.

August 23, 2001:
DM Notes:
Planescape DMs may want to note that using Faction Prestige Classes forces players to make a decision between advancing the power of their chosen classes versus advancing the power of their Faction classes. Currently, two characters in my campaign have decided that it isn't worth it to be in a Faction for the sacrifice in power.

And believe you me, they need all the power they can get...

Also, I've softened the restrictions on clerical magic. True Planescapers wouldn't allow their characters to journey to the Lower Planes until higher level, but for purposes of this campaign, this isn't possible.

Added Summaries to the "Story So Far..."

August 16, 2001:
A little redesign. Updated the "background info" page, as well as added an "episode" guide.

August 15, 2001:
I just discovered that the up and coming issue of Dragon has Planescape Prestige Classes. Hmmm...great minds think alike...

enemies & allies

This is a fan site and in no way intends to infringe on the rights or copyrights of anyone or any entity mentioned within.