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Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z

Vegeta Saga

This was the beginning of Dragon Ball Z. We first saw someone leaping from tree to tree in the forest. It was Son Goku, getting wood (actually a whole tree) for his wife, Chi-Chi, to cook. Chi-Chi asked Goku where was Gohan. Goku did not know so he went searching for him.
Meanwhile, a circular spaceship crashed onto Earth. A curious farmer looked for the space pod. As the pod opened up, a large stranger, with an appearance similar to Goku but had more hair and was stronger, emerged. The scared farmer took his gun and shot him, but the alien reflected the bullet back at the farmer, killing him. The alien flew and shouted out, "KAKAROTTO!!!"
A little child with a strange hat that held the 4-star dragon ball was lost in the forest. Meet Son Gohan, Goku's son. After meeting a tiger/puma, who later began his friend, he finally fell down a river on a log, shouting "DAD." Goku finally heard his screams and saved him.
Goku and Gohan flew to Kame-House to meet Kuririn, Kamesennin, Bulma, and the Turtle. Suddenly, the alien arrived. He told Goku he was his brother and told him his Saiya-jin origin. (Note: A previous head injury caused Goku to lost his Saiya-jin memory.) The alien, Raditz, told him to bring 100 dead bodies by the next day or Gohan would be lost to him. Piccolo arrived suddenly, told him of his encounter with Raditz, and agreed to team up with him. Because Raditz was very strong, they would have to fight together to win.
 Goku and Piccolo finally found Raditz, and the battle had begin. During the battle, Piccolo lost a limb, and Goku was seriously injured. An enraged Gohan broke out of Raditz's spacepod, which he was trapped in, and attacked Raditz. During Raditz's weaken state, Goku was able to held him until Piccolo executed his secret attack, "MAKANKOUSAPPO." Both Raditz and Goku was killed by the sudden attack. Before Raditz died, he told Piccolo that two stronger Saiya-jins will arrive in one year. Piccolo took Gohan to train with him because he knew that Gohan had great power.
        Goku was now in heaven. He was allowed to travel through Serpent Road to Kaiou's planet to train, but he would go to HELL if he fell off. (Note: It was censored to HFIL, Home For Infinite Losers, in the American version.) After running continuously, he got tired but was able to get a ride from a guy that was cleaning Snake Way. When the driver/cleaner was sleeping, Goku fell from the car to HELL. In order to reenter Snake Way, Goku raced two, cool, dumb ogres. When he successfully left HELL, he had to run through Snake Way all over again but was able to regain his strength with an King Yamma's apple. After escaping from Princess Snake, he finally reached Kaiou's planet.
         Piccolo left Gohan in a desert alone for six months for survival training. Piccolo later returned and started training him.
On Kaiou's planet, Goku learned to live under a gravity ten times stronger than Earth's and also learned the Kaioken and Genki-Dama's techniques. (Note: The Genki Dama drew ki energy from everybody on Earth and even the universe. It had been effective many times for Goku during combats.) Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, and Chaozu trained with Kami-sama throughout the year.
 The Saiyans finally arrived, destroyed a city, and found Gohan and Piccolo. They wanted to kill Raditz's murderers and to get the dragon balls to wish for immortality. Yamchu got killed when one of Nappa's Saiba-men self-destructed. Chaozu and Tien sacrificed their lives to kill Nappa but failed. Piccolo died defending Gohan, a very emotional scene. During the moment, Goku was wished back by the dragon balls and ran rapidly through Snake Way back to Earth.
 Luckily, Goku finally arrived to save Gohan and Krillin by using Kaioken. Vegeta became angry of Nappa's attempts to kill Goku and shouted "SHI NE," destroying him. The battle between Goku and Vegeta began. Vegeta gained an advantage by creating an artificial moon and transformed into Oozaru form but lost his ability when Yajirobe cowardly cut off his tail with a sword. (Note: The tail allows a Saiya-jin to transform into a giant monkey called Oozaru when a full moon appears. The transformation will be reversed if either the moon disappears or the tail is cut.) Goku was seriously injured while fighting Vegeta and handed his Genki Dama to Kuririn, who then weakened Vegeta with it. Finally, Gohan turned into Oozaru and started beating up Vegeta. With his last amount of strength, Vegeta escaped back in his spacepod.
Bulma and the others arrived to pick up Goku, Kuririn, Gohan, and the bodies of their dead companions. Because of Piccolo's death, Kami also died unfortunately. Without Kami, the dragon balls was not able to exist. Krillin stated that he heard Vegeta saying that Piccolo came from the planet Namek. By using Kami's spaceship, Bulma, Kuririn, and Gohan traveled to Namek, hoping that there would be more powerful dragon balls to revive their friends.

Freeza Saga

The battle with Vegeta and Nappa was finally over, but Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan must now go to Planet Namek, Piccolo's and Kami's home planet, to obtain another set of dragon balls to wish their allies back. Goku was injured from the battle and was uncapable to go, but Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan were able to obtain the spaceship Kami used to arrive to Earth.
 The journey was two months long and was filled with dangers, including the Space Ark Children, Raachi and Zaakro (with their abilities to create illusions), and finally Freeza! Freeza was the most powerful being in the universe, who had to undergo throught four forms to achieve his real power. After listening to the message from the dying Radditz in the Vegeta Saga, he learned about the dragon balls and decided to pursue them himself to gain immortality.
Aftering being healed by a senzu bean, Goku set off for Namek in a specially designed spaceship, training hard in 100 times gravity. Meanwhile, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chaozu served as Kaiou's pupils. Vegeta was also healed and stronger than ever, heading for Namek for the dragon balls and the hatred for Goku in his black heart. Vegeta was able to kill Dodoria, Kiwi, and Zarbon, becoming stronger after every battle.
 Freeza killed all the Namekians except Nail, Dende, and Saichoro while Vegeta captured all the seven dragon balls (with six from Freeza and one from Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma). As a desperate measure, Freeza summoned Team Ginew, a team of five strong fighters. Even with their ki increased by Saichoro and with Vegeta assisting them, Krillin and Gohan were losing to the Ginew Team, allowing them to take the dragon balls to Freeza. Freeza was unable to activate the dragon balls and flew to Saichoro to seek out the answer. Luckily, Goku arrived to defeat Recoome, the big blue guy, and Jace, allowing Vegeta to kill them, including Guldo. Vegeta wondered if Goku was the legendary Super Saiyan. Ginew knew he could not surpass Goku's power so he switched bodies with Goku. The battle concluded with Goku returning to his own body and Ginew trapped in a frog's body.

Gohan, Krillin, and Dende were able to obtain the dragon balls from Freeza to revive Piccolo and to bring him to Namek. (Note: Unlike Shen-long, Porunga could grant the user three wishes.) Freeza killed Saichoro and injured Nail, interrupting Porunga from granting the third wish (which was to grant Vegeta immortality). An angered Freeza hurted Kuririn and Gohan, but Dende had the ability to heal them. Freeza tranformed into his second form, but Piccolo merged with Nail and started beating Freeza. Freeza transfomed to his third form while Goku was recovering in Freeza's ship from the battle with Ginew.

 After undergoing his transformation to his fourth and final form, Freeza killed Vegeta for stating about the Super Saiya-jin to Goku. (Note: Freeza feared the Super Saiya-jin legend.) Goku executed a Genki Dama desperately at Freeza, but an injured Freeza killed Kuririn out of rage. This triggered the anger Goku to transform to a Super Saiya-jin. An intense battle has developed, risking the destruction of Namek.
           Super Saiyan Goku was defeating Freeza, becoming stronger every minute. With his last strength, Freeza triggered the planet to blow up in five minutes and threw Kienzan-like fireballs at him but accidentally got cut in the process. Goku gave Freeza some of his energy to save his live and to fight more but had to kill him rapidly and escape. Goku tried to start Freeza's spaceship but failed as the planet exploded.
Bulma, Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta, and the Namekians traveled back to earth with the Namek dragon balls. (Note: The Namekians were revived with the Earth dragon balls. Porunga revived Krillin but was unable to revive Goku. It seemed that Goku survived the explosion and was training on another planet, learning the Shunkanidou in the process. Vegeta decided to train in space, and everything was safe on Earth for now.
             One year later Freeza is put back together in a robotic form by his father, King Cold. They arrive on Earth with an army, all hope is lost by the Z warriors, even Vegeta thinks so when he was revived by the DragonBalls. Suddenly, a teenager comes out of nowhere, beats the crap out of Freeza. Not only that, he is a Saiyan! Turing Super Saiyan, he kills Freeza and King Cold with his sword easily. All he says is that he is waiting for Son Goku, then Son Goku appears out of nowhere. Son Goku tells of his troubles and also demonstrates his new teleportation technique. The teenager says that his name is Trunks. He is also the son of Bulma and Vegeta! He is from the future and comes back in time to warn the Z warriors of androids that will terrorize the world in three years. Trunks also says that Son Goku will die from a heart disease. Trunks though has brought medicine for him. Trunks says that he will come back in three years to fight the androids. Now the Z warriors must train for the androids arriving in three years.

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Super Sayians Realm
Saiyan Sector
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Dragon Ball Z is airing twice a day until the premiere Dragon Ball it is released on August 20th -planetnamek

Season 5 is currently in Productionand will be released September 20th - planetnamek

Movie #5 expected in January 2002, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Theatrical release is possible. - planetnamek

Infogrames, INC, reveals the first new Dragon Ball Z Game, The Legacy of Goku, which is to be launched this winter on Gameboy Advance

Newly Released 

Frieza: Clash
Frieza: Desperation
Frieza: Super Saiyan Goku
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Rivals
Movie #4: Lord Slug (EDITED)

Newly Released 

Tournament: Fighters Begin
Tournament: Semi-Finals
Tournament: The Final Test

Dragon Ball Z
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Showdown

These animated gifs are not to be used:

Evil Shenlong
Android 18
Trunks hd
Gohan hd
All W.I.P
All Long Battles

Coming Soon....-_-
The Gif Of The Moment is........BulmaHD, By Pheonix!!!
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