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Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z

Cell Game

Three years passed since Trunks' arrival. A lot has changed since then, Trunks from the future is now called Miari Trunks since Chibi Trunks is born, and Vegeta joins the Z warriors, but having the same attitude. Miari Trunks arrives from the future to find that there is another android, Android #16. The androids in Miari Trunks' timeline are #17 and #18. Also the creator, Dr. Gero, turns himself into Android #21. He is easily defeated by Vegeta who learns how to turn Super Saiyan during his training. Right before he dies, he issues the final command for Android #22 (). Cell is made of single cells from the strongest warriors in the univerese. Cell breaks out of his test tube and seeks to absorb #17 and #18. When Cell finally absorbs the androids, he turns into Perfect Cell. No one can offer a challange so he starts thinking of all the fights as games (Thus somes the title, Cell Game). Cell later announces that he will hold a tournament to the warriors that think they can defeat him. The tournament begins. First, a fighter from Earth, who is really a coward that takes all the credit and is really weak, Mr. Satan. He gets defeated easily by on slap from Cell. Then, Son Goku fights with Cell, the battle ends with the winner Son Goku. But Cell gets so mad that he self-destructs and blow up the whole Solar System. Goku quickly teleports him and himself to a safe distance, like Kaiosama's Planet. He blows up killing both Goku and Kaiosama. Everyone was sad, but the battle wasn't over yet, Cell somehow regenerated from just one cell from his body, and decides to take Gohan as his next challenger. He tries to piss off Gohan so that he will be more challenging. The plan works when he creates seven Baby Cells who kills his friends. And he kills Miari Trunks with a surpise attack. Gohan gets pushed off the edge and powers up and reaches SSJ2, then Cell realizes that he over did it. Gohan defeats the Baby Cells with just one kick to each of them. Son Gohan starts to attack Cell. As the battle goes on, Gohan's right arm gets crippled. He creates a Kamehameha, Cell than creates his own Kamehameha, a stalemate is drawn only with the encouragement of his dead father. Son Gohan over powers Cell and kills him with only one arm! Everyone is wished back to life except Son Goku because he was already wished back to life once. But Goku was proud of his son and watched over him in the heavens, while King Kaiosama kept on yelling at Goku for bringing Cell to his planet. Mirai Trunks later returns to his own time.

Buu Saga

Seven years pass since the Cell Game. Krillin marries #18 (who was wished to human by the DragonBalls) and has a daughter named Marron. Chi-Chi has a seconded son named Son Goten, Son Goten and Trunks (Chibi) turned SSJ at an early age. Son Gohan has a girl friend named Videl, the daughter of Satan ( Satan takes all the credit for killing Cell, this got him really famous ), Son Gohan is also a superhero named the Great SaiyanMan. During The Tenkaichu-Boudoukai, Son Goku is granted a single day of life to meet with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Chi-Chi, and all the Z warriors, including Vegeta. Two of Buu's slaves steal Son Gohan's energy, then a man named Kaiosen revives Son Gohan, he than tells of a evil demon named Buu trying to destroy the Earth. If Buu's slaves gather enougth energy, he will be revived. Vegeta learning that he can become stronger by turning into Buu's slave, Vegeta turns evil again, this time he is Majin Vegeta and can turn to SSJ2. This gives Buu enough energy to be revived. Goku then learns to turn to SSJ2 and fights him and convinces him that good always triumphs over evil. Vegeta finally realizes and self-destructs in hope to kill Buu. Son Goku than heads to battle aganist Buu. Son Goku than turns SSJ2,and SSJ3! But he still can't defeat Buu. Later, Son Gohan heads to the Kaiosen's planet for training. Then before Son Goku's time is up on Earth he teaches Son Goten and Trunks the fusion technique, then they get trained by Piccolo so they can be strong enougth to beat Buu. Soon after Son Goten and Trunks fuse to become Gotenks, later Gotenks turns SSJ1, and then, SSJ3! But Buu has made a twin of himself, but he is a lot more evil than Buu, he even absorbed Buu and thus turning him into Super Buu. Gotenks is defeating Super Buu, but Gotenks is an inexperienced and careless fighter. Buu absorbs Gotenks and becomes a lot stronger, then absorbs Piccolo. Dia Kaoiusin then sacrifices his life so Son Goku can live. Goku then gets a pair of Potara Earrings for fusion, this way the fused person won't diffuse in 30 min. Son Goku now alive teleports to the battle. Then King Yama grants Vegeta life to fight Buu. When Son Goku arrives to the scene he tells Son Gohan to fuse with him, Son Goku than throws a fusion earing at Son Gohan. Son Gohan drops the earing and Buu absorbs Son Gohan, thus turning himself into Ultimate Buu. Then Vegeta comes to the scene. Vegeta then fuses with Son Goku to become, Vegetto. Vegetto defeats Buu but purposely gets absorbed to rescue their friends. This somehow wears off the permenent fusion. They rescue Son Goten, Son Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, and Fat Buu through Ultimate Buu's pores. All of the energy that Buu has taken restores him back to his normal form, Majin Buu. Then he destroys the Earth. Kaoiu-sin teleports to help Son Goku teleport Vegeta, Satan, his dog, and Dende to Kaoiu-sin's planet. Vegeta gets angry gecause he rescude them instead of his son and the rest of the Z fighters. Son Goku was speechless. But there wasn't any time for that, Majin Buu also teleports to the planet Goku's on, and start to fight. Then Son Goku starts to get beaten up badly. Vegeta jumps into battle so Son Goku can create a Genki-Dami. The Namek DragonBalls are gathered to wish back the Earth and to wish back everyone killed by Buu. The third wish is stored for later use. Son Goku's Genki-Dami (Energy given by the Nameks, the people in the Heavens, and everyone on Earth) is ready to throw, Son Goku throws it, and Buu pushes it back. Vegeta tells Dende to wish back all of Son Goku's strength back. Now with all his strength restored Son Goku, he throws back the Genki- Dami at Buu. Buu can't counter it any longer, so he is killed. Ten years after the battle aganist Majin Buu, Fat Buu is revived into a evil cleansed form called Ubuu. Son Goku decides to train him since he has great potential. Son Gohan and Vidal get married and have a daughter named Pan. This concludes DragonBall Z.

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Dragon Ball Z is airing twice a day until the premiere Dragon Ball it is released on August 20th -planetnamek

Season 5 is currently in Productionand will be released September 20th - planetnamek

Movie #5 expected in January 2002, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Theatrical release is possible. - planetnamek

Infogrames, INC, reveals the first new Dragon Ball Z Game, The Legacy of Goku, which is to be launched this winter on Gameboy Advance

Newly Released 

Frieza: Clash
Frieza: Desperation
Frieza: Super Saiyan Goku
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Rivals
Movie #4: Lord Slug (EDITED)

Newly Released 

Tournament: Fighters Begin
Tournament: Semi-Finals
Tournament: The Final Test

Dragon Ball Z
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Showdown

These animated gifs are not to be used:

Evil Shenlong
Android 18
Trunks hd
Gohan hd
All W.I.P
All Long Battles

Coming Soon....-_-
The Gif Of The Moment is........BulmaHD, By Pheonix!!!
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